C/C If you could be so kind?

Words feel uneasy
on my tongue, he said, with his
arms wrapped up in mine.


Favorite Answer


This is a splendid piece for you three line wizards.

Your poem could have been 7 stanza's, and you condensed it to three lines, as it pacts so much meaning it's not even funny. lol ha ha !

From a man's standpoint, I know 'he' could not have been happier.


Edit: I write my answers before I read others answers, and if an addendum is needed, I will follow through. 5' 7" Texas Heaven is absolutely right, and she clearly looked at your poem structurally beyond what I did.

I usually try to do both, i.e. comment on poetic structure vs the poems content, subjective opine, and must admit, I got 'wrapped' up in this one. lol.

Still, fine work, and one that can be improved.

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2012-04-05T16:09:49Z

While it follows a common form in 5-7-5 Haiku, it could stand to be even more mature, and though not a usual presentation of Haiku it could be improved, to express in a deeper sense.

Just my opinions.

L 1, I mighta used flow instead of feel
L 2, even if the wording had to be changed, while keeping the 7, I might have used "off" rather than on. Or even "from"
L 3 I mighta said, "arms enfolding mine"


made moi feel happy and joyful
really good prose