My poem WORDS was deleted. How can I discover why?

How odd, I thought when I saw the poem was gone.

It was up for two weeks, resolved with a best answer and poof--it was gone. At least I received the critiques I sought to improve the poem, but this is the first time something like this has happened to me and I am stunned. Not upset, just shocked.

Is there a way to find out what happened?


It is not offensive. There is no foul language in the poem. It is about writers and our journeys through the thesaurus and many dictionaries.

Thanks for any information you can give me.
~ tori ~


I never ask for a rating, but I appreciate the information. I never give ratings when asked either.

I ask for critiques and comments to help me improve my writing.


Correct. I did not receive a notice of any sort.

I guess I'll find a different way to ask people who love to read poetry what they suggest to improve the poem. However, like Dallas I've been asking this way for over 5 years and never had a problem. Ah, except when a particular person was being a troll. Even then the poetry was not deleted.

I discovered that I cannot edit my own work. I read words were entirely wrong because I "knew" what I meant.

Thanks for the path to notify YA!P, P'quaint! I appreciate it.

These are great answers. Thank you all so much.
~~ tori ~~


Favorite Answer

I take it that you didn't receive any Violation Notice!

Never mind! Here's where you can contest the violation:

Go to Suggestion Board > Appeal violations (down, right-hand side)

The first time is always shocking...more so if we haven't really violated any guidelines. You really feel like you've been slapped for no fault of yours.

Here's hoping you'll get justice :)


Don't bother to find any reasons for it, <tori>, your answers or questions may be deleted for some reasons God knows. Also don't bother too much on how to pose your question in a way that won't "break the Yahoo rules" because there are thousands of interpretations for a rule. Just feel that it is a bad luck and let it pass. I hope you have a copy of the poem. Accept it as part of the game. Try henceforth pose your question in a more acceptable way according to the "rules". How do you feel about my new poem draft? or, Can my new poem be better? Will you comment on my new poem?
Thank you especially for the poem "She", that was very kind of you. Be happy!

Warren D2012-04-09T03:51:38Z

I would say it most likely was simply dropped out of the database. If your points were not affected I would think it unlikely there were any violations involved. Yahoo has messed up its programs and database at times, and it sounds more like an accident than a violation.

I have answered questions, gotten points, and then seen the questions deleted, no reason given. And I would not have considered the questions as being in violation of community standards or anything else. And I kept the points. Odd. I don't know what to tell you, but it sounds accidental rather than intentional.

Peter Boiter Woods2012-04-09T04:06:58Z

If all you posted was a "rate this" question, that is a violation of the rules. It would have been reported by several users and removed. Any rating question is a violation of the rules here. For poetry, you can ask specific fact seeking questions, but anything where "it stinks" is a possible answer is a violation. For example, "How can I fix the rhyming scheme in lines 10-12?" is a good question. "What is a better word instead of "confusion" in line 22?" is a good question.


If your 'question' (which actually was not a question, but rather a request for a 'C & C', I'd guess) was reported/deleted, you SHOULD have received a 'report notice' or 'violation notice' in your email. I say 'SHOULD' because the Y!A email notifications are not working as they should be at the moment.

You're not going to like this, but to be honest, all I see in your profile is 'chat/rate/solicitation'. Not actual questions. You ask others to comment on and critique your poems, which is no different from posting a picture of yourself and asking others to comment on or rate your appearance, or posting a description of yourself and asking if others would find you attractive. Asking others to DO anything (comment, critique, etc.) is solicitation, for which a user can be reported.

It may be (as already mentioned) that the BA for your 'question' was reported/deleted, in which case the question is deleted as well.

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