If you may c/c my spring cleaned poem GLOVES for me?

by Victoria Tarrani
© 200903.30
© 201204.11 (edit)

It's so easy to glide
through the valley
of dreams with you.
Your feet rarely
touch the ground
as you run,
your face lifted
to the sun or clouds,
or simply to feel
the moist breeze.
Then you tumble;
yes, I will be there
to help you
out of shadows,
bushes, or even the
misplaced azure creek.

You fit so easily
into my life;
you cover me
like skin; I think it
is where you live
when I slip on the soft
pink leather gloves
you found for me last year,
or was it a decade ago?

No matter; each night
I slide between
bold red percale sheets,
your choice, of course.
You said they made
it easier to find
me when I drift
into my dreams.

You are my sanity,
my reality;
perhaps you await me
when I can slip through
the mist covering life.


Favorite Answer

In the first stanza I got the feeling of a mother and child. Mom telling stories to the kids as they slip into dreamland.

The misplaced azure creek is clever. It is like a pitfall that we run into when we aren't paying attention. So apt are we to blame the object for being in the way.

Stanza two is like a lover. Time flies is such a cliche', but you have shown it clearly with the comment last year or was it a decade ago. Excellent work.

Stanza three again is the lover in passionate red sheets. What a wonderful image. I thought of The Sixth Sense movie and the way the director had touches of red where psychic events happened.

Finally the closing. How beautiful it is. I feel sure family and friends await us, but that is a personal belief.


I've set myself the spring task of finding my poems. Scattered across two states, in notebooks, file folders, attic boxes, computer files starting with Word Perfect 5.1, in unopened drawers, or still lurking in my mind. I can't even find what I've written in the past couple months -- scrawled in different notebooks, scribbled on pages of scrap paper and the backs of envelopes, edits separated by a mess of time and space from originals, all piled in heaps across my dresser top along with bills and science articles... then the cat jumped on the dresser and knocked everything off onto the floor. The poems I have the easiest access to are those written between the ages of 11 through 16, selections penned in a book I found here in my mother's house.


Your poem is so cryptic I am not sure if you are referring to a relationship or a way of life. If there is another intent I'm afraid my dense brain missed it. Whatever the meaning, the stanzas do connect well with each other to create a smooth, coherent thought. I like it.

As one who does not usually submit poetry for C and C very often (I get irritated when someone decides to pick it apart) I respect all of those who do.


It's beautiful and needs decrypting. It is about someone that you love with your soul, in another dimension, and yourself. This other one offered life to your body, sending your soul to it, and he is ever present for you forever. An ideal form that exists, loves identifies and directs. A particle of a deity and the laws of nature are blended together, through your well known non-materialistic style of poetry that enchanted me back then with your snake-poem. Good work, I love it and will re-read it many times. Thank you Tori!


There is no need for decryption, I like the way you have cleaned this up and
have enjoyed reading it, thank you, Tori for posting this one, and I am so glad I happened to sign in for just a wee bit and take a look to find this in the list... ta! and have a great evening!

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