This whole Trayvon thing... it's rediculous to think..?

Ok, this kid was a bad kid.. New reports suggest that Trayvon was suspended three times, had run-ins with school officials, was caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana and was carrying a bag of jewelry with a screwdriver. As you can see in the article that I grabbed this from, the parents are outraged and saying that the school is attemtping to "slander their son's name"... the kid was bad... he was caught.. he slandered his own FU$%#&G name! Now, we see all this pointless media coverage over a dead thug *** kid who would have died young anyway (my opinion).. and the man who was, in my opinion, no doubt reaching for his weapon and firing because Trayvon was trying to take it from him.. and a kid that hot headed would have fired, and then we would have had to house him in prison for a number of years..

Ok, aside from all that, what would happen if a white kid in a hoodie got shot by a security guard? Obviously, security doesn't shoot to kill if there is no warrant for it.. they need to feel threatened to shoot.. it's part of weapons safety training which they have to pass to hold a weapon in public.. I am not saying all open carry permit holders are smart and accurate, but for the most part, if you hire a guy to hold a gun and protect something, you assume he can do the job... just saying..

So yea, that's my question... would the media focus on this and blow it out of the water like they are if the person killed was not black?

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Quite new here.. I pointed out that this was based on opinion... twice actually... did you read the whole thing or skim it and make your own assumption and overlook the points made because you already have you mind made up? You know nothing about me... don't act like you do.

Also, if I were in Zimmerman's shoes, I would be hiding too... even the damn president is on board.. come on now.. you would hide too and if you say you wouldn't.. you're lying.


Nope.. I am saying that given the bad record, the Zimmerman recap of what happened was 99% more likely to be true. If Trayvon didn't have school problems, the tune I am singing would no doubt be different but I knew kids like this.. he caused his own shooting... I am pretty confident in that.. Are you saying that you elect to overlook the kid's personal records as a vital part of evidence in the case? Because that would be asinine.


Mia.. I never said that chilren of other races were never going to be bad in school... no where did I even come close to saying that... and this is not racialy based.. this is based on the media and how they manipulate people in to viewing one thing as worst than another when both things are the same... I am saying that in my opinion, if a white kid got shot.. the media would pull his school records out as exhibit A when evidence is collected... remember Columbine? Why did that kid shoot up the place? I know a lot more than you think.. I know people are people and dumb people are dumb people...


@angry math teacher... yes... well put.. my sentiments exactly.


To a few of you.. not once did I say or intend that this boy should have been killed for being a bad student... I am saying he got killed because he did something stupid in grabbing for Zimmerman's weapon. He did this stupid thing because he was a hoodlum... no normal kid, or even bad kids in some cases, being followed by an armed guard would have knocked the guard down and reached for his gun...


Favorite Answer

In response to QuiteNewHere.

If the New Black Panther Party put a bounty on your head, I bet you'd be hiding also. His lawyer just quit, but his lawyer had also never met with Zimmerman, so I have to wonder about the quality of representation that he was receiving in the first place.

Even setting aside Trayvon's record, the facts and eyewitness accounts of the matter all point to a case of self defense. Trayvon jumped Zimmerman and had him on the ground in an extremely vulnerable position. The voice calling for help was Zimmerman (an eyewitness confirms that Zimmerman was on the ground under Trayvon and that he was calling for help, AND the grass stains on Zimmerman's back, along with the gash on the back of his head and the broken nose all corroborate his AND eyewitness testimony).

Zimmerman saved our legal system, penal system, and taxpayers the cost of trying and housing/feeding a juvenile thug who's pattern of behavior showed he was lining up to be a repeat offender. He should be receiving a medal, not the harassment and death threats that he is getting.

may experience some odd behavior2012-04-11T14:43:37Z

ST George had been arrested and how many times had Trayvon martin none how many times had trayvon assualted a cop zero. how many times had G Zimmerman once known has Trayvon had an order to stay away from someone issued no while G Zimmerman did and them are things you seem to think are not a crime so you you think assualting a woman is not a crime maybe assualting a cop is not a crime to you but most of all HoW The **** does someone with a barring order against them get a ******* gun permit.

So there you go you got a shooter that has in his past assaulted people unprovoked either


Yes it has gone too far. Anything involving a black victim is treated as 50x worse in the media. Black people kill other black people all day everyday in ghettos everywhere but the only reason this is a big story is because the shooter was half white. That's IT. If a black guy did the same thing Zimmerman did, this wouldn't be a story.


Nope. & why did you say he would of died at a young age? cause of school trouble if thats the case lets go gun dwn all the bad kids in everyschool dwn cause there are a waste to society...right thats what you are saying? Let me piont out something to you. White kids do the same thing black kids do. I kno cause I stay in a upscale manly white community. As I see you don't kno much. I understand the whole racist thing. But if you look with your mind & this you will see a unarmed dead kid shot with nothin to defend hisself with . Not a black boy shot by mexican. People see what the media wants us to not the real situation. I hope u look at it diffrently.


Teenagers are notorious for being unruly in school, especially boys. That doesn't make them worthy of death by shooting. Black teenage males are feared because of the biases that exist in our society. Because of this fear, they are suspended from school at much higher rates than other children.

Doesn't make them bad kids. But even "bad kids" don't deserve death. A bad kid may need a spanking or to be grounded from playing XBox. But it is unreasonable to say a teenager should die because he was "bad" in school. And in the context of the Martin case, he was neither seeking out trouble nor committing a crime. THAT ALONE would be an issue if this young American was white.

I think too many non-blacks are blind to their own bias concerning black males especially. We are seen as the enemy, as dangerous, sometimes as super-human in our ability to absorb hurt or mistreatment. We are human. If a black male makes a mistake, many times society is ready to lock him up and throw away they key, or shoot to kill. We are human. Many young black boys are constantly in a hostile environment (whether in gang infested communities or in suburban gated communities who profile them). That is what is RIDICULOUS...they can't catch a break.

We are aware that white teenagers in hoodies are not being profiled, or shot without someone PAYING for it. Generally white males are not being shot at all in a criminal context, without some actual reason, not a created one.

The national media actually didn't want to focus on this story. An internet movement began that was too big to ignore.

"Trymaine Lee, the other two writers credited for bringing the story into the national spotlight are also African American and male: Charles M. Blow of The New York Times and Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic. Of the three, Lee is the only news reporter, Blow and Coates are columnists."

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