Does Unemployment numbers mean anything at all anymore?

New numbers form the Department of Labor, New Signers to Unemployment last week are out this AM...

Are you ready for this??? Getting better? Hmmmmmmmmm. You decide...

Here is what you won't see... Weekly Lost Jobs Numbers.... These are Obama's Department of Labor Numbers released every Thursday and can be found on Fox and Friends between 8:45 and 9:00 AM. Watch for them yourself if you want to be informed with the only RAW numbers released by the DOL... You won't hear them on any other network... I wonder why?

Numbers released every Thursday is for the Job loss for the week previous.

2/19/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment
2/26/2012… 350,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/01/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/08/2012… 361,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/15/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/22/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/29/2012… 359,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/05/2012… 357,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/12/2012… 380,000 New Signers to Unemployment
Total.......... 3,205,000 New Signers to Unemployment.

That’s “JUST” over the last 9 weeks.

How many new signers have lost their jobs sense Obama’s election?
The 169 weeks of the Obama term as POTUS, America’s New Signers to Unemployment has averaged over 400,000 jobs per week. That 3 year + averaged number of New Signers is now around 68,537,000 Americans who have lost their jobs.

I have a question for you…
Is it time to wake up yet?

Your vote on November 6th 2012 will answer this question.

§† FNS †§


Florida swamper...

Obama Ran on Change????? Did he not???? So Bush was just as bad??? So where is Obama's change... NOTHING is CHANGED sense Bush right??????

THESE ARE OBAMA'S NUMBERS... Not Bushes numbers... Obama Owns them... Obama Earned Them.... Obama MUST except them as his numbers....

Your finger pointing is a sad attempt to JUSTIFY Obama's Failure to Change a Damn thing... Ummmm other than instituting a Socialist H/Care system that 75% of Americans said... "WE DON"T WANT..."

§† FNS †§


Wally... I agree completely... The question remains... 4 more years of a proven do nothing path of Obama or a new face to HOPE will get America turned around... We get to decide on that on November 6th...

§† FNS †§
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You are wrong... I have been writing this sense the signing of NAFTA back in 1993 so your not reading it before is because we have not crossed paths in the last decade or two...

So I accept your apologies at the attempt to devalue the information here today here is a link to see that I could care less of party affiliations I care for truth in the NEWS that is reported and the way the American Dream is being systematically being taken away......;_ylt=Au0uzbAgnBYznbQnftBc.Cnty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120412051059AAL6jup


Doin... Roll your eyes if you want...

Ummm Facts are place here not my conjectures... Ummm Republicans are MORE the blame than Obama is... I agree completely... here is why... Read my reply and learn I am not a republican but an American who sees what is happening as people like you roll your eyes in ignorance....

Time to wake up America..... Including you Doin...;_ylt=Au0uzbAgnBYznbQnftBc.Cnty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120412051059AAL6jup



History itself is showing us.. you and I... NONE of the Politicians are on our side... If we as a countries People don't come together and vote all setting Politicians out every time the continued trends of failure will continue on regardless which party is in Office ignoring it...

When we allow WDC to pit one American against another American on a party line it is WE AMERICANS who lose...

Break the Cartels of Corruption In WDC by Voting EVERY setting Politician out every time...

Hope fades quickly now... It is up to us to be smarter than the Politicians and vote them all out every time regardless of their party....

If not... things will continue to get worse... Much worse...


Lance sense unemployment means little to you your opinions are as worthless as your critiques to my word choices grammar and spelling. I suggest you skip my posts from here out for unlike you I feel the content and value found within that content trumps your need for a term paper approach... Frankly it shows a lack of class to ignore the Numerous facts that effect everyone but you, and discard the content as being beneath you...

Have an ignorantly happy life...


Leslie G.

As I have witnessed over and over again the willingness to allow our freedoms to be traded and out rightly given away amazes me... To read the posts I generate with a lifetime of calling correctly what is coming is as always expected. Though I wonder how so many others can't see what I see...

I'll post this prediction again for you and others to see and know. IF Obama's internal Polls show him at less than 40% Obama will On the sly, call for Riots in the streets of America. He of course won't state the words outright but he will begin to allude to the violence "He" sees growing on a racial line which he will nurture into Full blown Riots with the help of the Left wing media... I will tell you what to watch for then if that time should show itself as to be so....

Watch the Poll numbers AND words he (Obama) says come the Mid to end of July and see if I am correct or not. If his numbers are falling Watch for the Buzz words Calling for riots. B


Buzz words like "Racial Tensions on the rise..." Obama calling for "Calm in the streets" Obama saying "Tea Party people are racist," Obama saying The "extreme" right wingers... When Obama's words include these two words... "Extreme Hate filled", when describing the Republican party you will know I am spot on...

Listen closely from here out to the words chosen by Obama's Handlers... It is very important to know they have meaning behind them and are steering what comes next...

Decades of studying these Politicians, BOTH Republican and Liberals, I can read both sides like a cheap novel.



Leslie Goudy2012-04-12T07:19:02Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, the runaway inflation continues and the last four presidents including Obama are giving away the store to foreign interests.

Yes it's interesting to mask for the want of "China Wealth" is it not

Orville Schell, director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society and the person who commissioned the study, says the United States must do its part to improve relations with China.

“I feel increasingly alarmed and discouraged by the willful ignorance of Americans to the competitive challenge the Chinese pose to the U.S., including in foreign investment,” Mr. Schell said in an interview. “China is looking for places to park its money, and it could be to our advantage. If we don’t find a way to be open to China, it’s undeniable the money will go elsewhere.”

What a national disgrace to Freedom has the Federal Government become using this type of rhetoric to sell the USA down the river. I am sick and tired as this tired rhetoric being used to wave the flag of our Capitalist society. What happened to patriotism I'm sure I don't know


Economic numbers only have meaning when compared to normal historical values. These numbers are only a little higher that they were in 2007 when the economy was good, and much lower than the 650,000 that they were right after the financial crisis. In a capitalist economy some firms are always cutting back or going out of business.

A Lance2012-04-12T14:01:33Z

No, the unemployment numbers don't mean much. Too many people, such as myself, just working as "volunteers." I don't completely blame Obama. I think he is sincere in his desire to help, but he also thinks that we have to be in a global economy and he wants that. As long as we are, we can never fix the problems this country faces. We have to retrench from the global economy. Until our jobs come back home and we use predominantly (meaning ~95%) US citizens to fill them, we will never fix our economy.

Please, pay attention to the spell and grammar checker in the balloon to the right of type/edit box. You have way too many noun-verb mismatches and misspellings. It is annoying and indicates to people that you are uneducated and ineducable. I believe you mean "since," not "sense." The numbers DO, not the "numbers does..."

Will Powers2012-04-12T13:21:19Z

My vote will definitely be Romney. I'm tired of watching as the Lame Stream Media celebrates the apparent success of America as Broke Obummer and all of his sycophants put blinders on while their policies cause America to circle the drain.

The mortgage crisis happened because Bawney Fwank, Pelosi Galore and Harry Reid forced banks to give unqualified loans to those households who could never qualify in the first place. It was THEY who forced the apparent "American Dream" down everyone's throat.

Demonrats live in a perennial pipe dream of denial.

HOPE to CHANGE the current bum off his throne!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's to hoping that Demonrats don't use their typical tactics of voter fraud and intimidation in November!


The official unemployment numbers mean they same as they have for many years.

The other employment statistics provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics provide a more complete picture of employment in the country, as they always have.

You seem to be suddenly paying more attention to the other statistics because you are opposed to the current President. Also, keep in mind that we are still in recovery from the Great Recession.

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