Gaming Video Card needed for a slim Dell 531s case?

Looking for a PCI Express 16x Low profile video card for my Dell Inspiron 531s (slim/narrow case). The game we just bought is requiring a NVIDIA 8800 with 512 MB ram OR a ATI Radeon HD 2900 with 512 MB ram. All I have is the installed video graphics on the Motherboard. One more thing is I would like it to have a VGA port and not just DVI ports.

I don't know video cards that well so if there are newer cards that are NOT expensive, we are taking cheap, please tell me the models and info so I can get it local (Wally World or Ebay).

Again it has to be a Low Profile card!!!

The game is Sonic Generations for the PC.


Favorite Answer

Because the Inspiron 531s has a weak (and proprietary) 250W power supply, that restricts your upgrade options. The best card that's guaranteed to work in your computer is a Radeon HD 6450, which isn't very powerful, but still way better than your built-in graphics:

What you really want is a Radeon HD 6570, which is just barely slower than a GeForce 8800GT. It offers the best bang/buck at $60.

There's only one low-profile graphics card faster than a GeForce 8800GT. That's the Radeon HD 6670, but it's considerably more expensive than the 6570.

The problem- you'll most likely need a 300W or higher power supply to successfully run either of the 6570 or 6670. The official manufacturers recommendation of 400W is overinflated, but anything below 300W is probably a no-go. Some people have reported success installing the 6570 in slimline computers with 250W power supplies, so you might give that a try. But to be safe, you'd need to upgrade the PSU.

The good news is that stronger power supplies DO exist for that particular slimline model- but of course a PSU upgrade raises your upgrade cost.

For almost all low-profile cards, the VGA port is lost when you attach the low-profile bracket. You'll have to use a DVI->VGA adapter. Note the pictures of the cards linked above.

Graphics card performance and hierarchy chart- for reference the Radeon HD 6570 is about 3fp slower than the 5670:,review-32400-7.html