Some new people move in to my hood and they look like drug dealers . What gun should I buy to Stop a man ?

No long guns. I want to carry in my lawn without them knowing.

Nuff Sed2012-04-16T09:35:52Z

Favorite Answer

I personally like the 45 caliber semi-automatic. It makes big holes in things. I use a 38 for backup because it fits nicely in an ankle holster. You need to be trained to hit what you shoot at so you do not become another menace to society by peppering the sky with hot lead that goes where you didn't want it to. You also need a 12-gauge shotgun to use if they break into the house while you're there; it is just as lethal at short range, but doesn't have the annoying feature of having the bullets penetrate walls and possibly killing someone three blocks away.


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Well, the first thing you should consider is caliber, which is essentially the diameter of the bullet (although total mass of the bullet is really the important factor, but this is largely dependent on the caliber). Next you should consider muzzle velocity (how fast the bullet leaves the gun). Most handguns have a muzzle velocity of about 1,200-1,400 feet per second, where say an M16 will have a muzzle velocity a little over 3,000 feet per second, which is why the .223 round from an M16 is much more dangerous than a .22 rim fire gun that most people learn to shoot with first - even though the bullet itself is about the same size, the shells that hold the gun powder are significant different. In physics this is a simple equation Force = Mass x Velocity. I recommend going to a gun range and trying out multiple calibers to find what works best for you.

Then of course there is the type of bullet that you use.... the military typically uses what are known as "ball rounds" these are bullets made of lead with a full copper jacket - pretty standard. then you move up in the world to hollow points, which are usually just lead with a dimple in the front; this causes the bullet to mushroom upon impact with flesh and bone increasing the diameter of the bullet and the hole it makes. It also causes the bullet to to transfer its potential energy into the target at a much higher rate, where a fully jacketed round might pass completely through someone without stopping. You can think about this a transfer of energy similar to a motorcycle accident - a motor cyclist might wreck their bike traveling at 100mph but because they slide for so long on the ground the energy from the wreck is distributed out over a longer period of time (g-forces), but if the same biker at the same speed hits a tree and comes to an immediate stop turns the rider into jelly... so there is an interplay between penetration and stopping power depending on the type of bullet you use. In between a fully jacketed bullet and a hollow point there are a lot of other variations between the two. An M16 has a fully jacketed round (in the military) but the tip contains a small hollow void that allows the bullet to travel farther and faster, than if it where a hollow point but when it hits the target it deforms and causes the bullet to tumble or bounce around, thus crating more damage. Some bullets will fragment or spawl - break apart creating multiple wound paths. Then you also have frangible rounds that are essentially powdered materiel, such as tungsten, which are glued together, which are meant to break apart so much that if you shoot a typical wall made of drywall they will go through the first layer of drywall, but not out the second, so they are allegedly safer to use in the home, if you worried about accidentally having a round fly through the house and hit some unintended target - like your kids or granny. .

Finally, you should consider the capacity of your weapon - how many bullets it holds. Despite lots of silly movies that show people running around shooting people, it isn't about spray-and-pray, its all about product placement. One 22 in the forehead will do a lot more harm than 700 rounds from a .50 caliber that never hit the target - so you need to be accurate. Also, despite the fact that most movies use automatics (magazine fed handguns) a a revolver is the most dependable and accurate gun you can own. They are easier to operate and maintain and they almost never jam. A lot of states have limits on what size magazines you can carry in an automatic anyway, like California which is 10 rounds... so, it isn't there isn't that much benefit to carrying an automatic over a revolver - except that a stupid gang banger thinks the automatic looks cooler.

Next after you have done some hands on experience with the different weapons at a gun range - practice, practice, practice... yet another thing that most crooks to do because they think its like the movies...

Finally, I wouldn't recommend getting a gun for the simple reason that it is much safer not to in the instance that imply about your neighbors... your much more likely to get shot with your own weapon or behave stupidly if you have a gun in public... if you're worried about home protection, get a video camera and tape these guys dealing and send it to the police or keep calling the police to hound the guys... A majority of gun deaths and injuries come from people's own weapons either accidental or being turned against them - just plain statistics. If you're really worried about home protection a shotgun is a much more terrifying weapon... you can just rack the slide and people will get the F-out of dodge... I love guns, truly, but I think that most of the time they cause more harm than good.


Don't waste your money on a gun. move the **** out of the neighborhood. HOwever, a 357 magnum will stop anyone.


One with bullets :)

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