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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw Enforcement & Police · 1 decade ago

What kinda gun should I buy to protect myself against drug dealers in my area. Seriously and why?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you can't move and if you know guns, you already have a shotgun probably loaded with #4 shot or something in that range. Since you're posting this question, that may not be the answer. If you're relatively inexperienced with firearms, please note that a lot of people will recommend a 40 or 45 cal. autoloading pistol. (You should just completely ignore those who recommend smaller-caliber handguns.) They can be best in the hands of an expert, or if you're in knife-fighting range, but they require training and LOTS of practice. Notice, for instance, the reports of police who empty two clips at rock-throwing range and hit 2 of 30 shots, and they're cops, likely better than you with a pistol.

  • L J
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have no problem with people owning firearms and i have several and I am also a retired Dep. Sheriff. If you feel that you need to have one there are rules and i suggest you take a class on this. For a first weapon i suggest a .357 magnum because you also can fire .38 specials also and it gives you the option of going to higher power if you feel the need. Crime is getting so rampant now and these criminals are getting bolder and bolder you have to take some responsibility for yourselves the Police cannot protect you but as i said you have too know the laws governing where you live. Crime goes way down if theres a chance the crook could get killed. Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends where you live and if the area allows you to own handguns. If it does then I would recommend something with some stopping power, like 357 mag or .45. If you cant get handguns in your area I would recommend a 12 gauge pump or semi auto shotgun. But if you do get a firearm be sure to get instruction from someone with knowledge of the correct way to handle firearms. As far as getting into more trouble by defending yourself thats a load of bull, even if your area is full of brain dead liberals that want to prosecute people defending themselves, being in jail and able to fight for your freedom is better then dead from some psycho that may or may not be there just to rob or rape, but may be there to kill you or a loved one. And do not think that dialing 911 is gonna save your skin. Unless you live above the police station there is no way that they will arrive on time to do anything other then take pictures of the crime scene, and throw your body in a bag. Many times the simple sight of a armed citizen has detered would be attackers.

  • 1 decade ago

    For the home, I would purchase a shotgun. Why? Because the noise that it makes when you rack a round in is quite distintive and usually makes the person stop. I keep one in my bedroom, loaded with the safety on....I don't have any children around or I say no go with this. Then if someone breaks into my home I barricade myself in the bedroom. I yell through the door that I am scared and have a gun. If you try to come through the door, I will kill you. Don't say shoot (that can imply missing) say KILL, because it means what it says. Then if they try to break into where you are, shoot through the door. Call 911 and throw the phone on the don't have to talk to the police when you do this and they will be their.

    If I want personal protection, I'd go for a small barretta .22 or .25. Why? Because it can be concealed easily in my pocket and no one sees it and it can be carried in a "****** and locked" mode so that all I have to do is drop the safety with my finger and pull the trigger. Also, because it is semi-automatic and holds up to 15 rounds...that's a lot of fire power for a close up encounter (which most shooting instances are less than 15 feet.)

    Now the big things:

    1) IF your going to buy a gun LEARN TO USE IT PROPERLY. Be willing to take a class or two or three and LEARN ABOUT THE WEAPON. It's a REALLY bad day when the bad guy gets it and uses it on you.

    2) LEARN ALL of the safety rules and regulations about the gun and in your area. If you have children, in most areas you have to keep a lock on it (which is good for your kids, bad if you need it quickly).

    3. IF you have children in your house, don't show them the gun and say "Don't every touch this gun, or this box where you hide the gun". Why? Because you have just sent the curiousity level up to about 120 and the kid WILL get into it. Teach your children gun safety and gun rules. Take them to the range and let them learn. The Dept of Conservation has an excellent program called Hunter safety and although your children may not hunt, it's a great way for kids to learn about guns, what they can do to a person or themselves and what not to do with them. All my nephews and neices know about my guns and they know gun safety. If they want to play with the gun, then I sit with them (MAKE THE TIME OR THEY WILL FIND IT ON THEIR OWN!) I make sure that they check the gun first to make sure it is on safety and is unloaded. I don't let them point it at anyone and they have to follow all safety rules when looking at it or at the range. It goes without saying to keep the bullets in a separate place if you have kids. When I took my kids out to the range, I used tin cans and milk jugs filled with water and one with sand. I showed them exactly what can happen if you shoot someone. When the water flies up out of the jug, it's impressive to show the power of what is in the house and the dangers. Also, the size of the hole going in and coming out. If you think that you can keep it a secret from your kids remember this rule: Two people can have a secret if one person is dead! In other words, there is no such thing!

    Having a gun can be a good thing, but only if you will handle it responsibly, take the classes and learn every inch of the gun inside and out and take ALL safety precautions ALL the time.

    One other thing. DON'T LET ANYONE KNOW YOU HAVE A GUN OUTSIDE OF THE FAMILY. It takes away your secret edge and it gets word around so that someone can break in and steal it (which is a very bad thing.) Also, don't carry one around and flash it like John Wayne...I've seen cops do this and it is STUPID. WHY? Because the one advantage you had is now exposed and therefore the bad guy can plan to crack you over the head, take or shoot you with your own gun. It's NOT a toy and it comes with a great deal of responsibility. Take it very seriously.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well if you have some hard core dealers in you hood then you are going to need more then a gun to protect yourself. As you can see anywhere on the news or in the world the police can not control drug dealers Good luck

    If you cant beat them join them

  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't like your area...move, a gun wont solve anything and believe me you will get into more trouble than the drug dealers should you need to defend yourself at any point.

    It would be just your luck if you used the gun to protect yourself the courts would make an example of you, after all we all know criminals have more rights than us hard working family orientated tax paying law abiding citizens

  • WC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you are relatively inexperience with handguns, buy a revolver in at least .38 special caliber. My choice would be a semi auto pistol, like the Glocks. I prefer the Glock model 22,in .40 S&W caliber. 15 shot capability, and double action only. The gun is super safe. There is no way to discharge the gun except with a deliberate trigger pull all the ways rearward. Cost is about $ 497- $535 plus tax.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a valid question, and I'm glad you asked. But before we start talking about WHAT, lets talk about the WHY....

    Any firearm is not just a method of protecting yourself, it is also a weapon that can be used BY ANYONE ELSE that has access to it. You are required to register a firearm upon the day of purchase, be subject to a criminal background check, and if you wish to carry it on your person (loaded with bullets OR NOT), you are required to obtain a permit (concealed carry) through your local law enforcement (usually the sherrif's department).

    Drug dealers are not interested in creating headaches for themselves, so they may hassle passerby's to see if they are potential customers, but they normally will not commit acts of violence (other than a lot of profanity and lewd physical gestures) to someone passing through. A junkie is not the same, though...and some junkies do deal to support their own habit.

    Carrying a gun will NOT prevent violence to your person, for two reasons:

    A) The only person who usually knows you are carrying it is you.

    B) The only time you would normally show it is if you feel threatened -- ie, violence is already imminent or being shown towards you.

    In addition, no matter what you see on TV or in movies, a firearm is not meant for trick shooting. To obtain the permit to carry concealed, you would usually have to complete a firearms course through a registered pistol instructor (most gun shops have ranges or can recommend an instructor and range for this purpose). You will normally be instructed to fire center-mass...meaning, at the center of whatever individual you are aiming the pistol at. You do not draw a pistol unless you mean to use it...and anyone who is FACED with you aiming a pistol at them will react as if you mean to kill them.

    I agree with the other previous answers: Move from your area, find alternate routes to the places you need to go to and from your home, or work with the local police department to initiate a neighborhood watch. Drugs (and dealers) are pervasive and persistent, but with time, you and your community may be able to create a more permanent change.

    If you remain interested in a firearm, consult your local gunstore. They have people who are very knowledgeable and will be able to answer your questions better than we can in a public forum.

  • s p
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    first off, if youve got drug dealers to where youneed toprotect yourself, move... second, dont buy a gun if you dont know how to use it!! more often than not, if you pull a gun, youll be too afraid to shoot it and it will be taken away and used on you, if you do shoot it, youll miss or worse, shoot someone you know, bottom line, most people should not have guns.. my dad taught me to shoot at a very young age,im an exception..

    id sugest getting some good locks and maybe a security camera, if you must get a gun to make yourself feel better protected, get a stun gun or a good dog....

  • 1 decade ago

    Just sneak up on em and kick their but.Trick em. Call the cops. Call their momma, Are you sure their selling dope?You dont need a gun.Your question is is way ahead of your mind.Any way ,is your area where you live? Before you select a pee shooter you need to know how many, how far, etc, Once you get th e technicals solved .You have some legal things to consider,Just looking at your question tells me you dont need a gun,you need education.GO to a gun club.Go somewhere,except where they sell guns.

    Source(s): from the streets and alleys of a big city
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