Why has the last four POTUS believed?

Communist slave labor is more important than American Labor?

Don't they realize that Communist Slave labor will destroy America?

Is maximizing their Corporate Profits and Corporate Dividends so important to them they no longer care?

Where are those honest Politicians who are calling for this Path to American destruction to end?

Just wondering on this election year where the real Americans are?

A sad reality is coming if this path to tyranny is not ended for ALL Americans...

§† FNS †§


@Delia.. It is Easy to make statements.. Prove it...


@ Liberal.. I have no party... I am one of many millions of Americans who have lost hope for either system and will vote OUT every setting Politician regardless of Party... This alone will Break up the Cartels in Washington DC who have corrupted Government with their greed and Corruption..

So Thanks for noticing.

§† FNS †§


@ OAD.. Have you read the link I posted on how the Writer of NAFTA came to his views? here I will post it again...


This is a article written that follows the money makers and their past with Communism...


Favorite Answer

Don't they realize that Communist Slave labor will destroy America?

Yes, that's why they're doing it.

The wealthy always want sweatshops. They have them in the developing nations today. They had them 100 years ago in the USA. Now they want their sweatshops back here in the USA.

Democrats and Republicans are working together to do the bidding of the ultra wealthy power elite, using mass unemployment to force U.S. born workers back into the sweatshops. They are using free trade to send jobs out of the country, and they are using H1B visas and illegal immigrant workers to soak up jobs here in this country, all to create a scarcity of jobs for U.S. born workers.

Democrats and Republicans put on a public display of fighting over things, so they can set us to fighting amongst ourselves. Then while we're occupied with issues like flag burning, abortion, and the debt ceiling, the politicians meet in secret to conspire against us behind our backs.


i'm glad you didn't assign blame to a political party........gReeD has no political affiliation......


Actually since all this started under Reagan, its the last 5 presidents...