Does this prove that it takes more than intelligence to do the right thing?

Even a dummy understands abortion kills tiny little babies, so why can't smart people understand?


Summa: Anyone who says that a tiny baby inside their mothers womb is not a separate person is defying their own conscience.


Firecoal: Except when it comes to closing their eyes, regarding the unarguable fact that there is another separate body with it's own beating heart within them, and saying that they have a 'tissue glob' inside of them.

God is Good!2012-04-19T07:15:12Z

Favorite Answer

Smart people understand that, but they find ways to rationalize it such as dehumanization.

Much like the Nazi's declared the Jews and gays as "less than human" so do those who promote choices like abortion.

Much like slave owners rationalized their behaviour since the slaves werent really people, so do those who support a mother killing her baby.


It's because smart people don't over simplify things.


If you think like a dummy, that's the conclusion you with draw.


you are calling your god a dummy--wow--that takes some brass ones. You do realize that with your noah and the ark story--pregnant women were drowned. If the fetus were actually a baby then your god was killing innocents. Thus-if you wish to call a fetus a baby then you have to accept that your god is caprcious and kills innocents.


Anyone who doubts that abortion terminates a life is a fool.
Anyone who believes that the state can dictate what people do with their own bodies is a fascist.

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