Could somebody tell me what my zodiac Natal Chart Means?

My Sun is in Cancer, my Venus is in Leo. Can I be compatible with a male that has his Sun in Leo, and Venus is in Cancer? Also, could you give me some details about my natal chart, like characteristics. The one with the best answer gets the most points!! :)

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Time unknown
Sun Cancer 7.58
Moon Pisces 28.30
Mercury Cancer 1.09 R
Venus Leo 17.04
Mars Taurus 27.10
Jupiter Scorpio 4.46 R
Saturn Pisces 12.22 R
Uranus Capricorn 25.02 R
Neptune Capricorn 22.22 R
Pluto Scorpio 25.39 R
Lilith Taurus 9.16
Asc node Scorpio 23.05


Favorite Answer

Sun Sign Cancer June 21 - July 20
Most compatible with....: Scorpio, Pisces
Can be good with..........: Leo, Virgo, Taurus, Gemini

Your Chart is average type can't hive details in short time.


It means you are a Pisces, with a Taurus ascendent, with 3 planets in Pisces and 4 Planets in Saggitarius. The Sun in Pisces makes you sensitive, your Taurus ascendent gives you a tendency to want material possessions, and your 8th house in Saggitarius makes you curious about history and learning in general and a liking for foreign countries and peoples. Hope this helps.