how do i convince my parents that I am not phedophile?

So today at pre-college during discussion period the topic was phedophiles as police had arrested a man from near by colonies for sharing child porn.

While a comman thinking was that they should be punished hard and be pursued extensively i said that they are actually disturbed people who need psychiatrist help rather then being thrown in jail. And before i knew i was getting stares telling me i was in trouble. So i tried to clarify my stand but apprently it was to late.

So My parents were called to inform their child was "phedophile". To my surprise they believed them and constantly asked me to admit it so they can "help"me And more over they thanked my teacher for not SPREADING the matter. and now they want me to see psychiatrist to fix myself !!

I am currently in WTF stage. Any help plz


WOW. Get a lawyer quick. This is false judgment and you can sue the school so fast Their head will spin


Get a lawyer


I agree with you on one level, those people do need help and throwing them in jail will not help anyone...But, then there are some of them who in my eyes are not even worth helping, the ones who harm these young girls and boys and just completely destroy their lives are not worth "helping". :(


That is terrible!!! Report your school, for making a false, but serious allegation!


i would get legal info started like a lawyer asap.

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