What can EOD transfer into in the civilian world?

This recruiter tell me I should go for the explosive ordinance job EOD, what civilian job would that give me an advantage?


I will make a note of the spelling and thanks all for the help..


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If you still want to work with explosives (without a college degree), you can get a job clearing bomb ranges, becoming a pyrotechnician in the entertainment industry (movie/music/firework), work in construction or mining industry (demolition), work in PMC's etc... You can also try to become a civilian instructor at EOD School (you will need more than just a Basic EOD Qualification).

If you have a degree, you can try to work with local/federal law enforcement agencies (FBI, ATF, US Secret Service, Homeland Security) as a Bomb Technician & Investigator/Technical Security Division Agent/Bomb Appraisal Officer; you may need to be a Master Blaster - Master EOD, though. And keep in mind that you will have to get certified as a civilian bomb tech - Hazardous Devices School (military qualifications are not, directly, transferable to civilian); and also, many police departments (many of them require at least 2 years college education + military experience), may require you to be a beat-cop for few years before you can go to the Bomb Squad (and it can be very competitive to get a spot; there is not a whole lot of Bomb Tech. in the squad).

Keep in mind that military qualification/experience is not a replacement for a college degree in many civilian employers' eyes.

You can also get a degree specifically aim at working with explosives in the military industry (R&D of weapons, explosives safety equipment etc...).

Also, if you are planning to stay in for only 4-6 years, try to get at least a "Senior EOD," since it would look better than a "Basic EOD." And it is EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL.


First of all its Ordnance, not ordinance, know the difference.
Since I am EOD and not just making assumptions, I will tell you. All this talk of mining and other stuff takes a ton of time and licenses that the military doesn't give you. At that point you only have a slight advantage on other people because being EOD, you've already blown stuff up.
There are companies dedicated to clearing ordnance used on bombing ranges. I've heard that it's pretty easy to get a well paying job with only 4 years EOD experience.
TSA also has a job almost tailor made for EOD after they get out of the military. It was called the BAO (Bomb appraisal officer), but now i think that the official title has changed.
It would seem like civilain police agencies would love to hire EOD for their bomb squads, however most departments have requirements to be a patrolman for a certain number of years, so obviously they won't hold a job for years while you do your time.
It's not a bad career, i thoroughly enjoy it. If you like it as much as me, you'll have your career post-military already lined up because you'll have 20 years to figure it out.


You could work in the mining sector, public works sector to a limited degree (road/rail infrastructure), or building demolition (just like WTC 7).


Demolition, movie special effects, police bomb squads. Many many jobs.

Old Guy2012-04-21T14:31:55Z

Police Department bomb squad