How can I get rid of those dark spots under my eyes?
I wear glasses alot so maybe thats how I got it.
I wear glasses alot so maybe thats how I got it.
Favorite Answer
Try some concealer (Not the same as foundation).
I have maaaajor dark circles and it actually works pretty well.
There a few answers...I personally seeked help and found out the hard way that mine are permanent.
a. If dark circles run in your family, then you'll need to cover with makeup (this is my issue)
b. If you're taking medtication, then you can go to a dermatologist and get this removed thru laser...since it's medical, you're insurance may cover for this
c. recent surgury may have caused "temporary" dark circles...goes away with time
d. natural shadow... nothing can be done
I found effect over the counter "physician" makeup. Works wonders for my dark cirlces. I've also heard about baby powder too, that if you're of light complection.
Hope this helps! : )