Christians, Atheists, Agnostics why are the satanists worshiping what they do not even understand?

Go find what the poor blind satanists have done to themselves unless they awake... Respect


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Hey, since I can't reply to questions, I thought I'd reply to your answer on my question, on your question.

You said something about John 2:26 or whatever, because I'm hallucinating. I dont believe in ghosts or afterlife. Please, I appreciate what you're saying, but that is kind of un nescessary, i don't understand how your answer about spirits will help me seeing stuff. But I'd like to hear what you have to say!

Give me more information, by Posting on my question.


So all doctors are satanists? Since your video claims seeing death and science coalesce makes them evil and vile. Therefore all medical professionals are now satanists.


Satanists don't worship anything. Worship is something they have a huge problem with.

Prometheus Unbound2012-04-30T03:57:31Z

Most Satanists don't worship anything except perhaps themselves.


This man is a cult leader more dangerous than Jim Jones or Charles Manson.

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