Did you hear about the uber-wealthy candidate for POTUS, who's from Massachusetts, and went to Harvard?

His name was John F. Kennedy.

Now why do people say Romney, who's uber-rich, and went to Harvard, is not in touch with the common man? When Kennedy was uber-rich, from Massachusetts and went to Harvard also? I never heard anyone say that HE was not in touch with the common man, yet, I think he was much more distant from the common man than Romney, any day.

JFK was not raised rich, he was raised as royalty.

Romney is a business man, who can run the business of government. Kennedy was an elitist, who may have said, ask not what your country can do for you, but by the time he was killed, and Johnson was gone as well, it was "Ask not, what your country can do for you. But, if you are a some sort of 'special interest', DEMAND your country do whatever it can for you".


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Same reason Hollywood elitists can earn hundreds of millions and be worshiped as gods, but CEO's can't, or Apple can exports thousands of jobs, avoid taxes like the plague, and horde money, yet be honored, but Exxon-Mobil can't. There is no logic to what liberals choose as acceptable or not acceptable.

Otto Maddox2012-05-01T10:17:51Z

The U.S. Government is not a business. It does not exist to make money off the people.

It exists to protect us. To protect us from attack from outside our borders and to protect our rights inside our borders.

At that least that was the original intent. It has definitely expanded a lot since the founders started.

I don't want someone to run the country like a business. The markup on Government services is high end as it is. Can you imagine the taxes we'd have to pay if the Government were run like a business?


Both grew up wealthy, but that's about where the similarities end. Romney is simply unable understand the plight of many Americans who are seriously in trouble right now. He suggested college students "ask their parents to loan them money for college." THAT is how he approaches the serious problem of ridiculous, predatory student loans and sky-rocketing tuition rates because colleges have been permitted to turn themselves into businesses? Guy doesn't have a fvcking clue. He grew up wealthy and had all of his privileges handed right to him. He proceeded to rip the the rug out from under struggling companies' employees for a living. He doesn't know what it's like for normal people who can't pay their bills, find a job, or catch a break. He lives in the typical Mormon lala-land where nothing bad ever really happens, unless it's in R-rated movies, which can NEVER be seen, lest they offend your delicate adult sensibilities.

Basically, he doesn't know what a $hit sandwich is, and he doesn't seem to have any interest in understanding real problems so that a solution can be found. I'm thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt for college because colleges have been able to run themselves like corporations, and lending companies have been permitted to trap students in predatory, outrageous pits of debt. Romney's solution? Ask your parents to loan you money for college! Yes, because my blue collar parents who can hardly pay their bills and live paycheck to paycheck have money to lend me for school that is artificially expensive. I think you need to quit listening to your pal Monson and get a grip on what the real world is like.


What Otto said.

Romney would be the second richest president in history (if elected). Second only to George Washington, who also had family wealth and owned slaves.


Romney was a registered Democrat. Cons must LOVE their new candidate.

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