Obama voters, can you handle the truth?

Please, check out the following links:

They prove that our economy is in shambles (obvious to anybody not drinking the Kool-aid). Obviously, it would be absurd to blame it entirely on Obama, there are many factors. But, just as obvious is the fact that Obama, and his policies, are NOT the answer. You can not argue, based on any facts, that Obama has been good for the economy, you simply can't. I'm not asking you to vote for Romney, I'm just asking that you look at the facts and recognize that Obama is a failure. Please, before you go into the booth and vote for Obama, look at these links, and all other real data you can get your hands on. We are in very deep trouble, now is not the time for empty rhetoric like "hope and change". Now is the time for real answers and real solutions .Obama's track record over the last 4 years proves beyond doubt that he is NOT the answer. Can you handle the truth?

Eric R2012-05-04T15:21:45Z

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Truth is not a term recognized by Obama voters