What is one law that will save America's economy?

A law that states that America cannot trade with Any Country that does not have an minimum wage equal to our own.

So at very least, lets understand why we are soon headed into an Anarchy Depression©...

The Economic Problems we see today goes back to GHW Bush who wrote NAFTA that did away with the Import Tariff System that the founders saw as so important they wrote it first. The tariff Act of 1789.

Bush had Mexico and Canada signed on before he realized HE could not get Democrat ran Congress to vote the Bill into law. He then, for no other reason, broke his election Pledge of "Read my lips No New Taxes" in order to lose his NON reelection attempt.

Once WJ Clinton was in place HE pushed thru the Anti American Worker law that I then dubbed as "FREE" to use slave labor "TRADE" to begin replacing over 130 Million American Workers Manufacturing and Manufacturing support jobs.

Today we watch our Economy collapsing as we watch another POTUS (OBAMA) know why it is collapsing yet will not step up and end the use of slave labor to Kill American Jobs...

THAT is only one reason why Obama must go... The rest is his pushing his Socialist minded System of Bringing Marxism to Americans...

Obama has fallen in line with the "Communist minded Capitalists" who will use slavery to produce just like they did back in the "Plantation days" here in America.

****** The Communist Minded Capitalists are the ones who would choose Slave Labor over their own Countries Labor JUST to Maximize their own Profit Margins… Those Capitalists who remained in America using American Labor are the unsung Heroes of America****

YET... they will never do this and will drive America into an "Anarchy Depression©" due to their greed and uncaring attitudes.

Is this really what Americans stand for today? We have the power one vote at a time to stop this. Vote out every setting Congressman, Senator and President regardless of which party replaces them. What will this do? That alone will break up the good old boy networks they have built over decades of entrenched Lifetime Politicians.. If we don't... NOTHING Changes and we will... W I L L be forced into an Anarchy Depression and then slavery itself.

History is our teacher IF we are smart enough to know it....

§† FNS †§



Ignorance has no cure... You are in trouble.


TJ.. Ummm we have no jobs in America. If we trade with no one we must produce once again... JOBS is the goal here... So wake up fool....



A Great Idea... They have sold America's Jobs to the lowest Bidder... A smart answer and is what happens when we keep voting all the Bas***ds out every time...


America on...

Of course you think that because your ignorance does not allow you to realize that the Tariff Act of 1789 said Exactly what I wrote... So if ignorance is what you want to be seen as I will not stand in your way...





Reagan was the last of the Great Presidents it was the Communist GHW Bush and those after that brought Freedom to it's knees so If you were actually able to see that you would see also how foolish your comment really is...



Wrong... It would do what the founders sought... It would bring other Countries out of Socialism/Communism and bring prosperity to the third world Countries tha America noe uses for Slave Labor.

It is odd to me that the same system that Made America great gets such poor ignorant Answers here on Y/A today... Have you ever studieded the Constitution and its Articles? I have spent a lifetime learning our history. And here History means NOTHING...

So we continue our slide into Slavery in America once again until an unneeded revolution stops it. What happens when more people are out of work than is working? We are almost there today.. 35 to 40 % of America produces N O T H I N G today...... The answer to that question looms out there right now... we see it happening in Europe today... Anarchy Depression© where Communism will rule in the end.




No.. I would drill American Oil and let the Saudis collapse... their greed has helped push the World to where we are today.. Is would tell them to choke on their oil... We have the largest oil reserves on earth in America and surrounding Oceans... Put Americans to work and to Hell with the saudis and all the rest of the countries who hate us... IMO



The trade issue is the difference between Americans working or not... Without incomes earned NOTHING get better... Our Government borrows now because they have thru "FREE" to use Slave Labor "TRADE" have lost so much tax revenues they have no choices left. To ignore that is fool Hardy at best...

No Jobs = No incomes = No taxes paid = Borrowing like that of which we see today.

Bring back the JOBS = More taxes paid = more incomes to spend money earned = prosperity.

It's really economics at high school levels...

A Lance2012-05-07T07:14:05Z

Favorite Answer

A law that states that America cannot trade with Any Country that does not have an minimum wage similar to our own and does not allow immigration to the USA of citizens from overpopulated and overpopulating countries.

I have added the latter aspect, because I agree with you about the problem being slavery. "Free trade" is getting all of the slave labor that we can obtain in foreign countries and Open borders is bringing in slaves to do all of the work we can't send abroad. The slaves are in overpopulated and overpopulating countries where their numbers are not sustainable by the available resources at home.

FYI: Reagan opened up "free trade" with the slave labor in the Caribbean. Sorry, but he was not the hero that you think he was. He was a globalist.


Either, go back on the gold standard, pass a law calling for the public execution of any US politician who votes for any budget which isn't balanced, or a law which calls for an immediate cut of 40% to all budgets any time the congress or sentate passes a non-balanced budget.

It doesn't matter if individual Americans buy stuff from overseas or that it has a trade deficit, that alone won't kill the United States. What will is that fact you are borrowing money (from the same countries) to buy the stuff. Make it impossible to borrow the money and the trade deficit won't be an issue for long.

Ballz of Fury2012-05-07T04:22:13Z

A law that says we won't trade with anyone without a minimum wage equal to our own means we won't be trading with anybody. This is ridiculous and wrong headed. No way that would ever work and denies the reality of the global market.


The right to Impeach the sitting fool as President who is directing the destruction
of this country.


Ban Democrats and Republicans from politics.

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