My christian roommate is moving out as i type this. Says he would reather be homless than live with a muslim..?

should i stop him or not. I took him in because i knew people were using him for his disability check... But his church family has convenced him that i am evil. I am sorry if looking out for anothers well being is evil


Favorite Answer

Most people that hate Islam, don't understand Islam. At all. Tell him what values are stressed are by Islam (Honesty, Integrity, Charity, Love, Kindness, Family, Prayer) and give him a brief history of Islam. The more he knows, the less ignorant he may be.


My expensive Jeff, out of know, i could in no way label contributors of alternative faiths "deluded". in my opinion, an excellent variety of the time people shop on with the religion of their kin and ancestors. individually, i believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. Please undergo in concepts, i grow to be born into an extremely Christian kin. My ancestors from the two components have been Christian. Case and factor? How tragic it rather is that folk won't be able to worship the way they want and refrain from judgment of others with diverse theory's. This project has brought about misery previous comprehension because of the fact the start of recorded history. As constantly, I say, peace and love is the respond ((Jeff))


OK I watched a story of a Christian family taking in a Muslim boy....and they were like family and loved each other. So I think you should stop him. You both can agree not to talk about religion, and as soon as he can then he can find his own place.


Let him go. Your not evil at all. Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Atheists should be able to get along with each other and help each other out w/o passing judgment. Smh... He isn't representing Christianity that well IMO.


If he's stupid enough to leave because of religion, let him. And yet another story of how Christianity divides people.

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