Have you ever noticed that it's the sinner who is always blurring the line of right and wrong?

Today the majority of people no longer know which is right and which is wrong. Good job sinners, you've successfully confused the majority. But there are still a few of us who know right from wrong who will not be moved. Guess you'll just have to feed us to the lions.


Wait a second... I've just had a lightning strike of genius... the majority are the sinners!


Actually, right now God is showing grace to sinners. But the time is coming when God will judge sinners and they will see wrath instead of grace.

grace |grās|
2 (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
• a divinely given talent or blessing : the graces of the Holy Spirit.


All people sin friend. But the righteous ones are the ones who have been made righteous by the Son of God, Jesus, who poured out his blood as a payment for us to be made righteous again. Just as if we had never sinned.


You mistake assurance for pride. I confidently believe that Jesus completely cleanses away ALL sin.


Thus says the "talking snake"


Darwin: (your name gives you away) Correction. Sin is a God made concept designed to instill fear in us and bring order back into our world. You see, now I know that the sin I do is wrong. Therefore I feel bad and want God to do something to help me, because try as I might, I can't stop the sin. Jesus brings in a new hope that while we were sinners and unlovable he died for us. He implants an idea in our head that tells us we are valuable to God, thus his sacrificial death. Now I know that if I sin I have an Advocate between me and God, It's Jesus. God has said that I am no longer just a regular guy anymore. Now I have been adopted by God as a son. He's my dad. If I do wrong dad forgives me and tells me to get back up again! Praise God! Thanks dad, for not kicking me out of the family! I'm gonna get victory over sin and actually STOP!! By Gods will!

Sorry, I got a little excited.

darwinsfriend3 AM2012-05-09T06:58:44Z

Favorite Answer

Sin is a man made concept invented to instill fear and exercise control over others

Outta Control2012-05-09T13:36:24Z

How true. Gluttony has and always been a sin. I'm not sure why overweight people are allowed into churches!

Oh wait, that's probably not the sin you meant.


Unborn children are such a threat, but Joe Hovah knows what to do.

Beware of violent gods. They tend to have violent followers.


that is about the stupidest, most childish question ive seen from a 9 year old in a long time !


Last I heard pride was a sin too, so good job!!

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