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Why does the "Pro-Illegal Immigrant Crowd" always try to blur the line between legal and illegal?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because you are mistaken. You are generalizing saying that they "always" blur the line. Always is a generalization. If people disagree with an opinion that doesn't mean that ALL of them have to think one that way or the other. That's why we need to be more open minded and say SOME of them, but not ALL or ALWAYS. In both sides you can find any kind of people.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Actually the reverse seems to be true. By replacing 'illegal alien' with 'undocumented worker', 'undocumented immigrant', or 'illegal immigrant', the attempt is made to make these criminals appear more desirable. While there are a few who do not want any immigration, the majority only wish the laws to be followed and enforced. Therefore, 'always' is quite an exaggeration.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the line between legal and illegal IS indeed blurry

    For what I've been able to find out crossing the border without proper documentation or overstaying a visa is a typified as a misdemeanor not a crime.

    Not that's it's o.k. to do it, same as we shouldn't be runing stoplights and things like that but technically they are not criminals in the sense you want to give it.

    Illegal is illegal, that's for sure, but not all illegal acts are the same. Not all illegal acts are a crime.

    Smoking is illegal at ever increasing places, is smoking a crime?

    Drinking alcohol used to be illegal, it's not anymore.

    Marrying a black person if you weren't black was a crime, should it be a crime?

    The use of marihuana is illegal at the federal level but legal in some states.

    What's legal and what's not changes all the time and illegal does not always equate to "Crime'

    Natural law theory distinguishes between "criminality" which is derived from human nature, and "illegality" which is derived from the INTERESTS OF THOSE IN POWER.

    The two concepts are sometimes expressed with the phrases malum in se and malum prohibitum. A crime malum in se is argued to be inherently criminal (murder). Whereas a crime malum prohibitum is argued to be criminal only because the law has decreed it so (crossing the border).

    This view leads to a seeming paradox, that an act can be illegal that is no crime, while a criminal act could be perfectly legal

  • Spocko
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The "Pro-Illegal Immigrant Crowd" is a figment of the imagination of the conservative media.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's a pretty broad brush you've tarred a lot of people with, isn't it? I'm not for illegal immigration either but I don't "blur the line".

    Why is it important to you? Have you been, personally, adversely affected by immigration?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they can't face the truth. They think that anything that proliferates must be good. They're the communist/socialist bunch. They don't believe in good and evil. We have Hollywood, Disney Princesses, and Joeseph Stalin to thank for most it.

    The truth is that it's wrong, and we should elect officials to clean up the mess and send them home. But at the personal face-to-face level, there are things more important then immigration status. They're sinners just like everyone else, and they need to know what love and mercy are, as well as repentence forgiveness. Leave the final judgement to God, even if it means losing your earthly home.

    Source(s): the Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    I believe they are trying to equate their problem to the African American struggle. They are not taken in to consideration that their discrimination comes from not knowing English when you broke the law to be in America. Another issue is just the legality. i see them as bank robbers. When it comes down to it they are stealing tax-payers money. This is not against those who are paying taxes,but if I robbed a bank, as an American citizen I am wrong. If they come into my country why do people want to justify their wrong and not mine?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they have no legal grounds to stand on.

    And, perhaps, they are hoping it's the wild card to back up their failing race card.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, as far as media and politicians, its purposely done in order to make it sound like a stark, polar issue. They're making it sound like "Suffering immigrants vs. mean people that don't want to share."

    But, that's not it at all... I think most people are fine with legal immigration, not ok with illegal immigration. But that doesn't help the pro's argument, so it is intentionally blurred.

  • TLB
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Have you noticed how the phrase "illegal aliens" has morphed into "illegal immigrants," then "undocumented immigrants," then "undocumented workers," even "guest workers"? My gosh, "undocumented guest workers" – that phrase is so positive, it makes me feel like moving out of my house and letting them just move in. Poor "undocumented guest workers" – undocumented must mean they lost their documents, and they're our guests, and they're working hard – I mean, what could be better than that?

    This is big-time desensitization. We're losing our sense of outrage over having 10 to 15 million illegal aliens basically invading our country. We're being desensitized to the fact that illegal immigration is illegal – it's a crime, remember? People who, for whatever reasons, don't want our immigration laws to be enforced, use the word "undocumented" instead of illegal.

    I mean, here's Gov. Richardson saying that 65,000 "undocumented workers" had been apprehended near the New Mexico border in the last year. Excuse me, governor, but how do you know they were all "workers"? They were still at the border and didn't all have time to land jobs.

    jamming"? Jamming has been called "psychological terrorism." Remember how the Soviets used to jam the signal when Radio Free Europe would broadcast behind the Iron Curtain? Today "jamming" literally means silencing your critics or opponents by attacking and intimidating them. Fair, unfair, it doesn't matter – you attack the other side any way you can to get him to shut up. American policy debate is full of jamming.

    If you criticize any of America's self-appointed black leaders like Jesse Jackson, you risk being called a racist. And of course, most people fear being called a racist more than they fear their own death. Say anything critical of the pro illegal alien activist agenda, no matter how well-intentioned, and you will be attacked as a bigot and a racist and a hater. No real debate is tolerated. Criticize the government for astronomical spending on social programs, and Sen. Kennedy will excoriate you for being uncaring, mean-spirited, and for hating old people on fixed incomes – and very likely being a racist, too. That's jamming.

  • they're trying to say Americans hate Immigrant both illegal and Legal

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