Happy 52nd Birthday to Bono! In honor of his birthday, what's your favorite U2 song or concert memory?
For fans only -- What's your favorite U2 song and/or concert memory?
I literally don't have a favorite U2 song... I like them all for different reasons. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be the original version of "Bad" from Unforgettable Fire.
My favorite concert memory was from back in 2001 during the "Elevation" tour. My brother and I had floor seats just outside the heart that circled the stage. During "Until the End of the World", Bono charged at Edge like a bull as Edge played the soaring guitar that ends the song. At the last few chords, Edge's chords knocked Bono to the ground and Bono started kicking at Edge's guitar, making a great noise. At the very end of the song, Bono put his mic up to Edge's guitar and the feedback screeched through the arena. The whole place erupted. Before the final encore, my brother started singing the chorus to '40' (How looooonnng.... to sing this soooooonnnng..." By the time he got through it once, everyone in the general admission area was singing it. By the second time around, the whole place was singing it. And like that, the Irish foursome were back on the stage to play the song themselves. It was the best concert I'd ever seen!
And to you sphincters out there who post your moronic "Bono sucks" or "U2 is sh!t" comments, don't waste your time... I will just thumbs down your remarks and they will be hidden and no one will read them.