Are you going to help the Post Office stamp out hunger on Sat?

I have my bag packed and ready to put out for the Postman to pick up.



Larry asked what I was putting in my bag..I have soup, tuna, canned chicken, hot and cold cereal, rice and peanut butter. As for those that think it is too much work for the postman/lady, the drive is sponsored by the post office, so they may be given extra help..


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Yes, mine is all packed, but I went with boxes because so much of it is canned stuffs - fruit, veggies, soups, etc. I put the lighter stuff, cereal, pasta, etc. in a paper bag. I'm so happy to see so many seniors on this forum participating. And to the poster who worried about the carriers having enough to do without all this extra - since the USPS is a co-sponsor of the whole shebang, I'm quite sure they are prepared for any overload.


If I can get to the store before the mail man comes I am. I don't have much on hand to donate and there has been some insidious rumors of my having to work on Saturday. There is a post office right across the street from my apt. I guess I could just drop it off there if I miss the mailman. I always try to support food drives because a small donation can help a lot. I also always kick a couple of dollars when I can to muscular dystrophy when the grocers are collecting. A couple of bucks when I can to the " booby race", (Race for a cure, breast cancer.) These are all a way to donate small and help big.


Thanks for the reminder. Of all the food drives, this is my favorite. Several years ago my young granddaughter helped me fill the bag with cans from our pantry, but we forgot to put the bag by the mailbox. When we saw our "mail lady" pass by our house, we realized our mistake. Little Granddaughter was so sad. We grabbed the bag, jumped into the car and dashed off to find the mail truck. Not just any mail deliverer would do. It had to be our mail lady. After several minutes of cruising neighborhood streets, we found her and added our contribution to her collection.

I've never made that mistake again.


Good timely question.

We are donating canned soups - tuna fish and canned fruit.
Minute Rice - cooked type cereals - pancake mix and syrup.

We also donate to our local food bank for Christmas
and Thanksgiving.

We donate - when the Scouts have their food drive.

It's a good thing.


Yes, but it seems to me to be a lot of extra work for the post lady,

I picked healthy food for my bag. A large bag of dry beans,brown rice, old fashioned oats,a box of bisquick and a cake mix. Oh, I forgot, a large bag of egg noodles too.

What's in you're bag?

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