Visiting From Vietnam?

Hello, I need some information please. I want to bring a friend over from Viet nam to visit me in Canada and I was wondering.. Other than her passeport, what would she need to cross custums. Correct me if I 'm wrong or missing anything.

1- Valid passepro
2- Visa from Canada -
3- Letter from friend in Canada

Anything missing? Does that person need a visa from Viet Nam?

Thank you


Favorite Answer

You need to check with the Canadian Consulate/Embassy for the requirements of Vietnamese application for a Tourist Visa. see

Immigration, not customs, is the agency. The issue will be proof of financial security, as many Vietnamese try to immigrate to Canada, and they must prove they dont plant to stay, when applying for Visa in Canadian Embassy Vietnam. Or you can apply visa online via


She only needs item 1 and 2 (a valid passport from Vietnam and a valid visa from Canada.) She does not need a letter from a friend in Canada nor a visa from Vietnam.