This question if for men out there. Do you think that tans obtained from tanning beds look good or look?

terrible? I think they are horrible looking and sort of makes one look a bit ridiculous? I am just curious.


People must learn the evolution made us the color we are born with. Exposure to the sun does not make one more appealing. Society has changed a lot of things with humans along with civilization. Different parts of the world and the native people lost all their values of nature. "Natural" is none existent in the modern world. Too bad. Then why does the Cosmetic companies has a main goal is to make "Make-up" natural looking..?? Go figure....


Please don't tan yourself on a tanning bed. They use UV light I think to give you a tan.Your basically poisoning youself. Use the natural sun. Now, about the tanning don't overdo it just do a light brown.


Why try to be someone you're not?
+ they give you cancer right? Eww