Can you give me feedback on this poem?

I wrote a poem about making tea, and I just don't have a good ear for poetry. This might be dumb and it might be great and I just haven't the slightest idea. Feedback? Thoughts?

I watch the bitter liquid steam
And slowly drift into a dream
Where the rising warmth is not
The water boiling in the pot
But is instead your hand on mine.

Then I hear the kettle scream
And I awaken from my dream
Alone, except for warm caffeine.


Yeah, the last three lines are a bit fishy I guess. There is caffeine in some teas though. Breakfast tea has a fair amount.

PANDORA Πανδώρα2012-05-16T18:49:10Z

Favorite Answer

Whoa, what a dream!
I like it, and it certainly ain't dumb!
Jung & Freud would have a field-day with this


I don't think there is caffeine in tea. I could be wrong.

It's nice except for the 5th line - Actually - the last three lines could be redone. But it very nice and very creative!


That's really good! I enjoy some nice poetry :) I liked it :)