Secure Communities deportation program - what do you think the Fed should do to cities that refuse to comply?

But some counties, such as Santa Clara County in California and Cook County in Illinois, refuse to place detainers on people at ICE's request.
It's unclear if the federal government will take action against counties that ignore ICE's detainers.




Why should the Federal government (not enough characters in the header) sue some states over a law that was voted in by citizens, and then let others - and not the entire state - thumb their noses because they don't like a law?

Yak Rider2012-05-14T17:25:25Z

Favorite Answer

Cutoff all funds for cities that refuse to comply.


Cut off all federal dollars until they comply. Unfortunately, under this administration illegals are encouraged to cross the border due to the complete lack of enforcement of the law. Its really a shame. The democrats need the illegals to turn out come election time so they turn a blind eye to the immigration problem.

Jayne Savage2012-05-15T00:45:36Z

Well Holder and Napalitano and vermin like them have made it clear that nothing is going to happen to the poor little CRIMINALS who sneak over here like THIEVES, so, why the hell should a company who hires them give a flying crap? Get rid of the scum like Holder, Napalitano etc. and REPLACE them with Patriots like Joe Arpaio and the problem will take care of itself.


Holder should sue them into compliance...LOL. The American people should sue Obama and company and require them to enforce immigration law.


Sue them but they wont

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