accidently cut myself with a dirty knife while doing yardwork can that cause alot of diseases? I put alchol o?

I accidently poked myself with a dirty knife while doing yardwork. it was bleeding I washed it put alchol on it and neosporin. will that be OK I have had my tentus shot.


It depends on the depth of the "poke". If you're absolutely sure you got to the bottom of it, you're probably good to go. People get scrapes all the time, including from nasty asphalt and gravel roads. A deep wound however should *always* be looked at by a doctor since bacteria can remain deep inside and it's hard for ordinary people to clean.


How long ago tetanus shot? If you cleaned it out good and did what you said , it should be ok if your shots are up to date. If not, you bettr get one now. It used to be if you had the shot within the last 7 years. Someone said it is not 10. Call you doctor to be sure now long. And remember time passes and it could be longer than you think


It depends on how long ago you got your tetnus shot. You sound like you got the cut cleaned pretty well just keep a good eye on it and keep it covered you should be ok.

James Faidley2012-05-15T10:54:12Z

tetnis shots are for rusty metal. and If the dirt was just dirt then you should be fine