Tell me about Moon square Pluto?

Can someone explain this aspect to me?
I have moon Pisces(it's in 11th Cusp Aquarius) square Pluto Scorpio 8H.

Some say it's similar to Scorpio Moon


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Not so similar to Scorpio Moon.

Planet = inner need
Sign = style of that need
House = area of your life in which your seek to meet that need
Aspect = how ONE need interacts with another need

Moon is your automatic emotional reactions. It also shows (sign/house) what you need to feel emotionally safe in life.
Pluto is how you use your will power. Do you use it on yourself, to change, grow and transform? Or do you use it on others, to try to manipulate, guilt-trip them, or force them to change so that you can get your way?

When Moon is square Pluto (between 82 and 98 degrees apart), there is conflict between the emotional nature and the way you use your will power. In other words, you are too emotionally forceful, and this keeps you from getting that feeling of emotional security and emotional safety in life. This is Pluto in Scorpio IS a forceful style already, while Moon in Pisces is hesitant and uncertain about using personal power. So there is resistance to using it wisely. Instead of being proactive and working with the situation, you try to change yourself instead (Mutable Moon) and when it doesn't work out, you OVER-react (Pluto-Scorpio) and try to force things.
Sometimes you come down like a ton of bricks on the other person.
This shows up in how you handle marriage expectations (8th house): both those things that you expect from your partner, and the things that your partner expects from you. Your "out" from this tension is to spend more time with your friends (11th house).