What does "nardewell" mean?

I heard it as a reference to a type of ghost, but I can't find a definition, and google gives me limited results. The results that it does give either have nothing to do with ghosts or don't explain what nardewell means, even when the result uses it as a reference to ghosts.


I'm not sure how it's spelt, but I assumed it was correct since googling it brought up one webpage about a ghost. It's pronounced nAir-dew-ell


Yeah, it must be neer do well, since the ghosts it refers to were of that nature. Thanks everyone, I did not realize it was separate words.


Favorite Answer

You sure you got that spelled correctly? I can't find a definition either,
nor am I familiar with the term.

I first thought you meant "neer-do-well" meaning an idle, worthless person; a person
who is ineffectual, unsuccessful, or completely lacking in merit; good-for-nothing.

You said: It's pronounced nAir-dew-ell
Ok, you got me on this one. Let's see what others have to offer.

Von D2012-05-29T00:33:45Z

I think you mean "ne'er-do-well". (nâr d -w l ). It means an idle, irresponsible person. It also means a rogue or vagabond without means of support; a good-for-nothing.

Maybe you hear people say a ne'er-do-well "gave up the ghost" meaning the irresponsible person stopped trying to do something because they are convinced they will not succeed?


I believe you mean ne'er do well.
according to thesaurus.com, ne'er do well is---
noun: bum. Synonyms: idler, incompetent , loafer, loser , shiftless, wastrel, worthless noun: rotten, lowly animate being. Synonyms: black sheep, blackguard, bum ...
thesaurus.com/browse/ne'er-do-well -