Seems to me, Good old Sancrimonious Wolf Blitzer...?

,,,,, got handed his *** on a platter yesterday by Donald Trump. CNn can play it anyway they want, but Trump said what most of America thinks... CNN is so biased for Obama that he can tell them the sea is purple and they will believe him.

Do Blitzer and others not have any pride at all. When did they stop being news persons and start being paparazzi.. Disgusting.

Do you think Trump was right, regardless of whether you like him or not. Isn't ir right to yell at these reporters now and then?

darrin b2012-06-01T08:23:37Z

Favorite Answer

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

But I don't agree with it.

All Trump showed was money can't buy class.


I think most people don't care about the birthing problem. Apparently a lot of the heat from that interview came from the fact that Trump didn't think Blitzer would ask him about that stuff.


I wonder which one of them can give me a definition of "Sancrimonious".

Dan L Boun2012-05-30T18:17:18Z

Actually, most Americans.... Even Republicans, are like Wolf & simply don't buy into the silliness...


Trump obviously became irritated because Wolf was able to corner him when he asked, verbatim..."did you find anything new in your search for Obama's true birth certificate?"... Trump could not answer. Instead he sidestepped the question and said something about Wolf's program that didn't get a lot of viewers because of Wolf's brand of journalism. Remember, Wolf is a journalist, while Trump is campaigning for Romney.

Fact is, when people like Trump find themselves trapped in a corner, their defense mechanism is to yell at the interviewer. I've seen many examples of these on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC.

You say Wolf Blitzer got handed his *** on a silver platter; I say Trump got something worse - his visiting the birther issue is going to haunt his buddy Romney
for the rest of this campaign season.