Should i get a new guitar or a half stack?

I play mostly thrash and groove metal, I have a $200 Jackson dinky and a line 6 spider 4 15.

On the Border2012-05-30T22:50:22Z

Favorite Answer

Ruben, it depends on your money situation... I mean, you know Ritchie Valens had the most crap guitar and amp, but he had talent, and he was fantastic. Pretty soon he had a Strat, but that's not what counted... it's all about your skills. I would rather practice another hour than spend time looking at the musical instrument websites and saying "oh yeah, that's a good deal on that such and such".

But if you have a few bucks, I would rather have some recording equipment than a new guitar or amp.

~ Good Luck ~


The guitar you have is probably adequate, but I'd replace that 15 watt amp with a 8" speaker if you are serious about gigging with your gear. You may not need to go all the way up to a half stack, but at least get a good tube amp with one or preferably 2 12" speakers.

If you're just playing at home in your room though, then what you have is adequate and you should probably wait a bit on upgrading until you play better and know what you need.


The existence of the Line 6 Spider series is a hate crime against music. Get a better amp, then destroy the current one with a hammer. However, you don't need a half-stack unless you're gigging regularly, and even then only if you're playing large gigs with bad PA systems. A head and 212 or a combo is probably better.


Its al abt ur skills n financial situations jb he had awesum talent