I'm thinking about becoming an anonymous pen for hire, for high school students. I believe that by spending their own money on getting quality work, that is equivalent to them doing it. They are taking responsibility for what needs to be done, and if they feel comfortable doing that, it is up to them. Plus, I won't be there for every test and quiz, so really my service should only be for those who feel comfortable with the subject matter, but are just a little... pressed for time. Anyone with an ideas as to how to back me up?
Favorite Answer
Sure! Tell your student clients what research to do and why, and get them to bring it or email you links. Go over it in their presence, giving a running commentary on what you're doing. Assemble the essay while explaining your methods. Send them away while you fine tune it, or give it to them at that stage for them to finish.
You have delivered a practical lesson in essay construction and writing!
That's cheating and you know it or you wouldn't be feeling so uncomfortable with it. Homework is for the students to learn the subject, not to learn responsibility. You doing their work does not help them learn and gives a false impression to their teachers. Homework re-enforces what is done in the class. Being "comfortable" with a subject does not mean they know it well enough to pass a test. If you need extra cash, offer to proofread or tutor but DO NOT DO THE WORK.
I can't think of any way that's not cheating. You're in it for the dough and they're in it for the grade: either way, nobody's learning anything. Good luck though.