How many think the Socialists Democratic Party will win the election this year?

The Democratic party of Kennedy does not exist any more.


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The democratic party is as committed to protecting the wealth and power of the elite as much as the republicans. If they were socialist, they would be ignored by the corporate owned media.


Well no, because there is no party called the Socialists Democratic Party.

Keynesianism isn't socialism. So please, take a 5 minute vacation from your reactionary fantasyland, and look up the definition of socialism. Then, compare it to what the Democratic party is actually doing.


The Democratic Party today is the leftover proxy political party of the Soviet Union.

Minister of Truth2012-06-06T22:36:07Z

That's for sure.

Zelig Rmoney is grossly unfit.

----------- "...human chameleon, Leonard Zelig..."
. "...Leonard Zelig, a nondescript enigma who, out of his desire to fit in and be liked, takes on the characteristics of strong personalities around him."

The Original Liberal2012-06-06T21:08:00Z

It will be a close one - I hope they lose.

If they are in charge when the economy collapses - can you imagine what they would do?

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