Is the only real option for a bad answer to report it now that thumbs down is unavailable?
Just that simple. If we can't indicate a defective, misleading, or even potentially dangerous answer to a hunting question with thumbs down, is the best remaining option to report them all? I'm giving it a try.
Apparently this new "improvement" is being rolled out a little at a time and they haven't inflicted it on everyone yet.
I didn't think I'd care all that much until I ran into a typical "guns are bad, you should go to jail" answer and realized that crap would have to go unchallenged now. Not the biggest thing in the world but it is annoying.
Favorite Answer
I guess if they get rid of thumbs down we will have to throw class out the window and shamelessly flame the person who gave the bad answer. I like the thumbs down button, but more arguing at least has the potential to be amusing.
Are we really moving to such a politically correct society that we now have to make alterations on online communities because these thumbs-downs are making little kids cry? This is unbelievable. Because they don't give an option that would show an answer is faulty, I guess we will now have to edit our answers in order to call the trolls out. That's about the only way I can think of that would tell an uneducated asker that one of the answers could be dangerous or is misleading. Does anybody know when this will take place? I can still TD, luckily.
I've been 'blessed' with this feature almost every time I log on...and you're right : some answers are just dangerously wrong. And other than report the responder you have no method of correction.
I hope each of you get the opportunity to see this incarnation of Yahoo wisdom; and then get the chance to tell them to stop it.
I don`t like the system you are referring to,instead for a thumbs down a giver would have to substantiate it or get it automatically removed after 5 minutes. Some are well known to thumbs down everyone without even reading their answers just to make their pis$ poor answer look better.
I didn’t like the new choices so after reading they were testing it with certain people in certain areas of answers I gave hundreds of 'humorous' and tada now mine is back to thumbs up or thumbs down lol! >Ok to be clearer the options they gave me were; thumbs up, agree, informative or humorous. There was no thumbs down option.<
Lana to understand why you may not see this new option read this; 'For the next few weeks, different groups of users will be randomly given one of three different versions of the new ratings. Your usage of these will be tracked, to aid us in deciding which combination will be the permanent one'
If you dont see the new optons its because you havent been picked to use it yet.
Eidt2; sirbobby Yahoo wisdom? Its not there buddy. Yahoo hires those rejects who were afraid of the shower room and gym in school. You know the ones who cried over a dead bird if they hit it with their car but smiled when their cat brought one home and then cried for the bird and STILL let the cat outside. You have to explain to these people which side of a pencil to use.