How many think Obama will push Holder ...?

...;under the nearest bus if he gets busted on this fast and Furious thing. Obama of course, will try to walk away clean as can be... once again screwing a friend.

What do you think?


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It's maybe a 50/50 chance. Holder is Obama's type of man, a weirdo, so birds of a feather might stick together.


Obama already Screwed America, so what is Holder? Both Obama and Holder are Guilty. So if Holder is thrown under the Bus.....Obama is next after Romney is inaugurated in January. Remember, Democrats have to commit Murder before they can be charged. Republicans have already gone down for much less than Obama and his Crimes. YES, Obama is Guilty and he will be facing a Trial like John Edwards in the near future.


Blah blah, blah...If, if, if...You effing morons have been investigating this for two years now and always come up EMPTY just like the simple conservative minds. The reason this witch hunt isn't paying off is because, as has been amply proven, Holder and Obama had no involvement in it. Why if fact so difficult for the simple conservative mind? This NOT starting out like Watergate. This is starting out just like Whitewater, where the Clintons were absolved of any wrong doing, but pursued and pursued and pursued by the criminally insane right wing that came up with the fact that he had behaved badly with an intern.


Holders going to be in the hot seat in a few minutes on that,tune in to Fox News and watch.


Of course, he'll make Holder a scapegoat and leave him holding the bag.

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