guys- please answer oral sex question?
have been seeing this guy for 8 months and the other day i told him to lick me well he did and everything was great. when he was done he said he loved doing that but until now he has not done this too me??? he loves it but he has not been doing it. just seems weird well the other day he did it again on his own. i noticed when he was done that he was not hard at all which i found kinda weird but i did not say anything. well today i kinda put his face there and he did it and again still soft. now normally i really do not have to do anything for him to rise to the occasion. i have not been with alot of guys but if i remember correctly they were usually hard afterwards. so my question is do you guys get hard when you are doing this. im wondering if he really does not like this act and is just doing it for me and if so i do not want to force it on him. yes i love it but it is not required. if he chooses to do it im ok with it but i do not wanna push his head there if he does not wanna do it. so i just wanna know from the guys if you like it and what happens to you. or if any of the guys dont like it but does it anyway does it make you hard or not. girls u can answer it also if you wanna share what you experience.
ok well thanks for the slamming guys... my stuff is clean and well groomed. the first time yes i had him but well we were doing S&M per his request so while he has down on his knees i ordered him to and he was all to eager to do it. the next time he did it on his own.and yes today i kinda pushed him that way. i also made him stop he wanted to keep doing it. he knows he can say no to anything we both know this. do i think he got off while doing this no. i guess i will just let it go and if he does it fine but i dont think i will push it again. he also told me in the beginning he wasnt really into head but oh boy i think that is wrong also. but again he has never asked me to or tried to get me too one day i asked him because of reactions he has had to me playing like i was sucking things. now he realy seems to enjoy it. hes a weird guy sometimes. well i will keep reading the answers i get. just wish you guys would answer the question not slam my vagina. im not some skank. im in my 30&