What can IHSS recipients do to keep our needed hours?

Ever since our MEAN Gov Brown has cut our hours it seems as if the social workers are now working for him and doing everything to cut our hours.
Tax the marijuana and get some revenue!
How can we fight back effectively.
I have to threaten the social worker to go to court for my hours to be restored as they NO LONGER CARE ABOUT OUR NEEDS..

Lawyer X2012-06-21T08:38:45Z

Favorite Answer

As of today, the Governor and the Legislature are still negotiating over whether and by how much IHSS hours will be cut further. You can call your state Assembly member and Senator's offices and let them know what you feel. You can also call the Governor's office. Input from the community has helped, since the Legislature trimmed the Governor's most recent proposal to cut hours. Unfortunately, some additional cuts are still likely.

You are right to be upset about this--although, there isn't much your case worker can do.