Will the American voters actually vote for a candidate who professes to believe in Mormonism, a religion based on a completely ridiculous story concocted by Joseph Smith? Romney is either a liar and doesn't believe that foolishness, or is a complete idiot.
Paladin...Religion in never pretty. It is always bigoted, and sometimes filled with hatred of all other religions, i.e. Christianity and the inquisition, witch burnings etc, Islam with suicide bombers and sharia law
It's not the Mormon religion itself, it's the fact that to believe that crap, he is either very stupid or he doesn't believe it, and is a liar
Ralph B2012-06-23T08:48:48Z
Favorite Answer
Not in the 2012 election.
I suspect less than 10% of the people voting will consider religion as a factor in their choice.
A lot of people base there vote on who will make the best President. That is how i choose who i am going to vote for. Religion and Politics are two different things that shouldn't be mixed together. A lot of people did like John F Kennedy becasue he was Catholic and they said he would make president for that and not be a very good one. They were wrong.
Its ironic how you describe religion: "It is always bigoted, and sometimes filled with hatred of all other religions" compared with how you describe mormonism : "a completely ridiculous story, foolishness, and that he must be an idiot".
Pot, meet kettle. You ARE what you claim religion to be. Biased, hate filled, and ignorant.
The person who invented the Television that you are veiwing this answer is a Mormon (Philo Farnsworth).
The person who invented the modern word processor that you used to type in your question is Mormon (Alan Ashton).
If you are listening to stereophonic sound while you are asking questions or answering questions on Yahoo Answers then that too was invented by a Mormon (Harvey Fletcher... who also invented hearing aids).
Bigotry is never pretty. But fraudulent bigotry is more than petty.
Yeah, there is the possibility, there could be a Mormon, as President.... There's about the same chance, there could be a Christian, as President, named Obama... As long as that President, doesn't bring his Religion, & or, try to implement it, into his Presidency... What difference, dose it make... An example of that... I lean hard left, but still, I'm no fan of homosexuals... I really don't think Obama, is all that fond of homosexuals ether, from what he said... But Obama, leaving his religion , at the door, & thinking personal freedoms first... Favored, in favor of, the homosexuals... That's the way a President, from ether party, regardless of their religion, should be...