Doesn't it show obama's arrogance...?

...with all the executive privileges he abuses?


Favorite Answer

Perhaps. But with a job like that, how could you not take advantage?


He's claimed executive privilege once. However, that one time was an extreme abuse of power. Personally, I would have sacrifice Holder in an election year. But, Mr.O is a novice. So he stood by a man that he's known for more than 20 years. He would not have used his power if, & only if, there was nothing to hide. He used it, so he has something to hide. The most interesting thing is that people are not outraged. Nixon did it. Obama is in the same boat.


No. He should have the same privilege like every other President in the history of America.

He is just American, the world thinks that we Americans are arrogant anyway. Just go with it.