Is God a Nazi and a Racist?

First an apology: I wanted to avoid the "Nazi" word but the system doesn't let my question pass through not having at least 20 letters. I took the word to make people read my question. Take it as a provocation, not literally. It translates into: Is God a Bad Racist?.

The reason for the question:
1. Some people and mainly one religion feel to be God's "chosen people".
2. During the deluge the racial distribution of the crew and passengers of Noah's Ark was quite selective.

Another word for "choice" is "selection". Selecting one people out of many to be superior and chosen to receive whatever benefit out of heredity: "Racism" cannot be defined more precisely and it cannot be defined differently. Objections?


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1) We are not so much the chosen people as the "choosing people". G-d asked us to keep his Torah, we said yes and so he chose us. It is kind a "quid pro quo" thing (not really but one of my little brothers friends explained it that way once and it was hysterical). So we do not feel we are superior. Your saying we do, means you don't understand the concept of "chosen people"

2) What? You realize this makes NO sense. Right?

Judaism is not a race there genius. Nice try though

OH..and you didn't want to use the word "nazi" but you could not think of another way to make this question 20 letters?

Is the Jewish G-d a racist?
Jews: Do you think your G-d is a racist?
Xtians and Jews: Is your God a racist?
Do you think it is possible G-d is a racist?
If G-d has a chosen people, would that mean he is racist?

Look, right there, 5 example of how to ask this without using the word nazi and yet you failed to do that. I guess you are not quite as smart as you think you are then huh....or are you just a school age troll? Or both? What the heck, lets split it down the middle, I am going with idiotic school age troll.


in all probability for the comparable reason some Christians think of homosexuality is okay even although the bible for sure state that's sin, or the comparable reason some so reported as Christians think of abortion is okay. What could Jesus Do? no longer any of those issues and he honestly would not be a Nazi. I oppose to you asserting that Whites are the oppressors. you are able to no longer decide human beings for a team, in undemanding terms someone. besides who're you to assert that blacks are needy? How do you be attentive to Jesus isn't attempting to help them yet they gained't help themselves? you in basic terms don't be attentive to each physique's concern to decide on a grand scale.


The Jewish nation is often referred to as "the Chosen People."

Many people (including Jews) are uncomfortable with this idea. They perceive the concept of a "Chosen People" as racist and mindful of the Nazi concept of a supreme "Aryan" nation. It appears to contradict the accepted Western ideal of all people being equal before God.

Is the Jewish concept of choseness racist? When the Torah refers to the Jewish people as "chosen," it is not in any way asserting that Jews are racially superior. Americans, Russians, Europeans, Asians and Ethiopians are all part of the Jewish people. It is impossible to define choseness as anything related to race, since Jews are racially diverse.

Yet while the term "Chosen People" (Am Nivchar) does not mean racially superior, choseness does imply a special uniqueness. What is this uniqueness? Historically, it goes back to Abraham. Abraham lived in a world steeped in idolatry, which he concluded was contradicted by the reality of design in nature. So Abraham came to a belief in G-d, and took upon himself the mission of teaching others of the monotheistic ideal. Abraham was even willing to suffer persecution for his beliefs. After years of enormous effort, dedication and a willingness to accept the responsibility to be G-d's representative in this world, G-d chose Abraham and his descendents to be the teachers of this monotheistic message. In other words it is not so much that G-d chose the Jews; it is more accurate that the Jews (through Abraham) chose G-d.

The essence of being chosen means responsibility. It is a responsibility to change the world -- not by converting everyone to Judaism, but by living as a model community upheld by ethics, morals and beliefs of one God. In that way, we can influence the rest of mankind, a "light unto the nations" (Isaiah 42:6).

Judaism is Universal : Further, Judaism is not exclusionary. A human being need not to be Jewish to reach a high spiritual level. Enoch "walked with God," and Noah had quite a high level of relationship, though neither were Jewish. Our tradition is that all of the 70 nations must function together and play an integral part in that "being" called humanity.

According to Judaism (Talmud - Sanhedrin 58b), any person can achieve a place in the World to Come by faithfully observing the seven basic laws of humanity. These seven laws are named the "Laws of Noah," since all humans are descended from Noah:
1) Do not murder. 2) Do not steal. 3) Do not worship false gods. 4) Do not be sexually immoral. 5) Do not eat the limb of an animal before it is killed. 6) Do not curse God. 7) Set up courts and bring offenders to justice.

Torah is for all humanity. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, he specifically asked God to heed the prayer of non-Jews who come to the Temple (1-Kings 8:41-43). The Temple was the universal center of spirituality, which the prophet Isaiah referred to as a "house of prayer for all nations." Non-Jews were welcome to bring offerings to the Temple as well. In fact, the service in the Holy Temple during the week of Sukkot featured a total of 70 bull offerings, corresponding to each of the 70 nations of the world.

Most other religions say that non-believers are condemned to eternal damnation. Even the calendar systems of Christianity and Islam reflect an exclusionary philosophy; each begins with the birth of their respective religion. The Jewish calendar, on the other hand, begins with the creation of Adam, the first man, teaching us the intrinsic value of every human, even though the Jewish religion was not yet born. For this reason, Jews do not proselytize in search of converts. One can still merit a place in heaven, no conversion necessary.


The only beings on Noah's Ark were animals and one man. Noah was chosen, period. Most biblical figures all come from one region. I don't see why people worry so much about stuff like this. Take the message not the details.


Jehovah, the only real God, is neither a Nazi or a racist.

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