Will Obama experiance the Bradley effect in November?

Mayor Bradley of Los Angeles ran for governor of California. According to the polls he was about to win, but he didn't. The theory is that Californians did not vote for him because he was black, and the ballot was secret, but when they were polled they would not tell the pollster that they refused to vote for a black, they would rather say they were and appear politically correct.


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Did he experience it last time? It's kind of late to be bringing this up as some scary possibility when he already got elected once, and this time he's running against a much worse candidate.


Things are very different in this 2012 election.
In 2008 the voters were sending a message to George Bush " I would rather have a ****** president than another republican."


This question was brought up by pollsters in the last election cycle. However, it did not seem to have any affect on the last election, so it is doubtful that it will this time either. www.geraldandchristy.com


Maybe not. But he will experiance the 08 election effect. I for one have had it with him and will vote Romney.


He will experience re-election in November