How do you heal a broken heart?

I try not to think about him, but I keep having dreams about him and I always wake up sad from them :(


Yeah I'm not going to go look for anyone else, it probably will lead to a cycle of rejection lol.

Hello Precious2012-07-02T06:44:17Z

Favorite Answer

It's hard having to deal with broken hearts. i have the past as well , you should just try deleting him off a everything so you don't have to see his name come up or be remembered by him. You also could try talking to someone else and maybe they would get your mind off of him. Letting all your stress out and whatever is in your mind to someone could help. You should just try to move on there are bigger and better things in the world, you shouldn't be upset over a boy. You will find the one you just have to believe in your self and have confidence (:<3


if you try too hard to find someone else it can become a cycle of rejection. Just try to distance your self with something else. Trying to get him to fall in love with you will only make it less likely


Don't be in another relationship because Sam thing will happen. It takes time to forget that person and depending on how much you love him, it might be hard for you to forget him in a short period of time. I would say that don't hang around him, call or text him, or have anything that reminds you off him and you will start to get over him.


Time heals all wounds, be they ever so cruel. Just give it time and in a little bit, the crying will stop and the anger will start and then the anger will stop and acceptance will find it's way into your heart. Problem solved.......Eventually...


Time is the KEY to everything. Nothing else is. It's like trying to force it, you can't let it be.
You'll get over it. We all have dreams about those people.
You'll see what I mean in no time..

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