I never get tired anymore?

I'm never tired, not in the slightest. Not at night, not in the mornings, not during the day.
It makes it very hard to fall asleep, and even harder to stay asleep. I wake up 3-4 times a night fully awake, wishing it was morning so that I could just go do something.
I used to be the kind of person who would sleep for days if given the chance, and now I barely sleep at all.

Could a change of diet do this? I finally have my own kitchen so I've gone back to the way I used to eat: all natural, all organic, non-gmo, unprocessed, etc. Just very healthy. I feel like it would be normal to have an increase in energy from this, but not to this extent.

I want to sleep, I want to wake up feeling relaxed, but I only wake up feeling like I have to go do something.


Favorite Answer

i used to be like you (could sleep for days) & then i got insomnia - it doesnt affect everyone how it is usually portrayed (you want to sleep but you cant) - i cannot sleep but i dont feel the need to sleep either - i stay up for days on end not feeling tired (although i dont really feel awake either) im just kinda in a daze walking around feeling neatral - i don't know if you fee like this or not but if you do it could well be insomnia - i dont think your diet would have much of an impact (not to the extent mentioned) so apart from a sleeping disorder such as insomnia i can't really think of anything else - i have been awake for the past 9 days & i feel normal so...yeah...