DOOL...Do the writers on this show think all these people constantly switching bed partners is cool?

This hot mess they've got going on is far from romantic or even dramatic-it's just pitiful and disgusting. Apparently nobody on there has ever heard of AIDS or STD's. I'm glad these writers and half the cast are leaving.

M W2012-07-03T14:19:29Z

Favorite Answer

Daniel is the resident man-whore. He sleeps around. I could tolerate Nicole and Daniel together if she wasn't pregnant. She has an at-risk pregnancy and for the writers to turn her into some kind of sex kitten for Daniel's pleasure is just disgusting.

We all know that pregnant women have sex, but this is over the top. It's really pathetic.


Just wait until EJ finds out about Daniel and Nicole! You think he was upset about Rafe! Watch out Daniel.

Kitty 22012-07-03T18:33:19Z

Well not in my book.. To me its disgusting. Now Daniel and Nicole i hate those 2 together. They never use protection. You are right./