What zodiac sign would have said this?

"I see no point in living if I cant be beautiful"
~ Howl in Wizard Angst


SimplyComplicated@ xD Maybe we are Gorgeouz!!! HAhahahahahaa! It is from Howl's Moving Castle. If people would just know more about Miyazaki Films I would have put "Which of this is what" question.


Howl has to be a Leo, He ate a star...Isn't the Sun a star, He is romantic, generous...Wait found a Leo description of likes and dislikes:LIKES
Speculative ventures
Lavish Living ( that awesome room of his...even though its a messy...its still a castle)
Pageantry and Grandeur ( He likes shiny stuff)
Children (That kid that works with him)
Doing things safely (...yup)
Ordinary,Day to day living (Applies to him)
Small minded people (Of course he can't he does Ma- I mean Sorcery)
Penny pinching (I don't think he likes saving money...look at the stuff he has)
Mean spiritedness (everyone does)

About Sophie. She turns old, but young at heart. Hmm....She didn't like restrictions or the ordinary. She's kinda like a rebel too, and brave. Yet she is sometimes a neat freak and likes working.
I think she would be an Aquarius, she is quite a loner, really smart, not so serious, organized, humanitarian, creative (she did make hats and stuff), open minded. But wit


Oh and they are opposites so they complete each other. Leos usually get along with Aquarius (at least in my case). The only cousin I get along with is an Aqua sun/moon :D


We need to chat yo' xD!
and just watched "Grave of the Fireflies"...Its so...Sad!


Princess Mononke is a Sagittarius :D
Chihiro is Cancer, that means Haku is Capricorns (He is allways doing his job and he is serious, but cares)


Favorite Answer

Howl from Howl's Moving Castle?

Love that animated film btw.

I always think of him as Leo.

The way he sulks if he can't be beautiful, and this behavior almost asks for attention because you feel sorry for the poor handsome gentlemen who is lonely at best.

Are we on the same page?

edit: Yuuup, big Miyazaki fan here! And that movie has to be my fave from him. Always lifts my spirits. Wish i could meet him, he's so creative, imaginative, and deep. His films have SO much meaning!! Makes me happy and my soul feel good.

Which sign do you think Howl is? And what about Sophie?

Howl can't be a Libra.. his character is so genuine, not to mention Calcipher who represents his heart. Leo rules the heart. Maybe you can think of more reasons to support him being a Leo. I can't think of any other specific characteristics at the moment.

(sorry, dork moment here) lol...gets me carried away...aka Spirited Away ;)

edit: Aww I agree, I think she is an Aquarius as well. They go well together and Howl learns a lot from her because she makes him think twice. Plus Sophie has a soft spot for him, tolerates and accepts his wild card behavior, and she sees the beauty that lies within. She gives him strength, is very independent, has a gentle understanding nature about her, strong but emotional when it comes to the one she cares about, and she is an old soul in a way.

Oh and btw Howl didn't really mean what he said with that line if you watch how it was spoken...all in all he just felt lost and down on himself and was being a baby but that's not the person he truly was...and Sophie knew that. Instead of feeling sorry for him she only gave him motivation and encouragement to believe in himself. Howl was totally just being an obvious sexy drama king ;)

You can add me if you want.








Aquarius & Taurus

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