How difficult is it to replace a PS3 hard drive?

I have one of the really old backwards compatible 20gig PS3s. Unfortunately, thanks to all the system upgrades there is almost no room on the drive. I want to replace the drive with something larger, but I'm not quite sure how to go about this, especially since I want to copy everything on the 'old' drive to the new one.

I'm assuming I don't need a special hard drive, and that any will do, but is there an easy way to copy and replace the PlayStation 3's hard drive?


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There are a a couple ways. You can transfer it to your new HDD before removing the old one. You can get a 17.99 PlayStation plus membership and copy the games saves onto the online storage provided with that membership.

As far as how difficult it is to do it most websites say it your properly prepared, have all the parts needed, and a clean work space it isn't rocket science. I have never done it so I am not speaking from personal experience. It won't even violate your warranty (I know you no longer have one) so Sony provides a written guide to do it.:


its easy!... just get any 2.5 inch hard drive ... pop open the bottom part of the ps3 .. unscrew the blue-ish screw n pull using the lever .. replace hdd

to copy use a usb, back ps3 up .. then replace the hard drive.

but you might lose your save gameplays as they don't reload back to the 100% levels achieved in a game

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Not any hardrive you have siting around will work it does a specific type.I remember IGN or might have been Gamepro did a article on it a few years back but your best bet is to go check up on YouTube for how to do it.