Why are Fat Cat Union Leaders buying 800 million luxury Hotels, Jets, Country Clubs,with Tax Free Union Dues?

Union leader have Tax Free Nonprofit status, wasn't one the the union leaders standing up and saying how bad the Millionaires and Billionaires were, they put Romney to shame, no wonder they don't want reform they want to keep screwing their union members. Reported by Fox news the only way you will ever find out the truth. You will never here that on NBC or other liberal lying stations they don't want you to know about Obama's friends and how they live.


Union member get no benefit from their luxury homes either.


Favorite Answer

They don't. You need to stop listening to propaganda.

A Voice of Reason2012-07-06T06:20:09Z

I just went to the Fox News website and couldn't find anything on this.

Besides, if you had a credible source for this claim, it would be able to tell you why.


Whoa, check out that source!

My Union friends have no use for Bourgeoise junk food.

And these Union friends have multiple Republican family members who DESPISE Fox News, Limbaugh, and other such pornographic waste.


According to Fox, the money is coming out of pension funds. What could possibly be more corrupt than investing pension funds?


if your source was RT, Al Jazeera or some other reputable news service , I'll look it up, but Fox forget it. (99% chance the report is fabricated.)

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