Is a weight of 128 pounds on a five foot 6 inch women with medium frame normal? Age is 49.?

I have began to exercise five days a week for one hour a day. In the five months that I have started this program I have went from 148 pounds to 128 pounds. I believe I look healthy and have no plans to lose any further weight. I have grown over tired of people telling me I am too thin. Some people do not realize this is not a compliment to women. Especially those of us that have tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


My measurements are 35 25 35. I would like to add that I have always been solid with my opinion, but as I said, this has really began to make me doubt myself.


Favorite Answer

Your BMI is around 20 which is within the "normal" range.

Your weight is healthy.


That is a good weight. They are jealous probably