What do my natal chart positions say about me?

Well I'm new to all of this, and I have always been fascinated with your average sun sign astrology.
I have just looked up a free birth chart (did it twice lol had to find my time of birth so I did the standard time noon first (which gave me just different degrees and two different positions [ the mc and as were taurus and leo respectively at noon]than the one with my actual time of birth) and it gave me the following positions:
Sun: 24° 33’ Taurus
Moon: 8° 54’ Saggitarius
Mercury: 15° 28’ Gemini
Venus: 28° 40’ Aries
Mars: 25° 46’ Leo
Jupiter: r12° 33’ Saggitarius
Saturn: 22° 38’ Pisces
Uranus: r0° 25’ Aquarius
Neptune: r25° 27’ Capricorn
Pluto: r29° 21’ Scorpio
As: 13° 17’ Virgo
Mc: 11° 19’ Gemini
North Node: r4° 37’ Scorpio

Also, what are the best matches for me being a Taurus, like compatibility wise?


Favorite Answer

You can be a bit ruthless at times, in order to get what you want, (Sun/Pluto opposition) and you tend to dwell on the past too much, (Moon and Mercury opposition).
Your Venus in Aries suggests you need constant excitement in romance and if this isn't available, you'll get fed up and walk away.
Your Mars in Leo shows you're attracted to the fiery type of people and possibly you're attracted to power; you certainly want the best here. It also shows you can be "dramatically assertive", self-confident and creative.
Any planets inside your 5th house will describe the type of people you're attracted to and the sign on the cusp, (begining) of this house will also describe the type of people; any in your 7th house will describe your first long term partner or marriage partner.